Chapter 17

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I slam my hand over my phone, trying to turn the alarm off. Why was I waking up so early? The sun hasn't even risen yet. I groan.
Oh yeah, school.

I slowly get out of bed, dragging myself over to my wardrobe. My wardrobe has a mirror, and as I look at myself I realise that I need to shower. I jump in the shower, only taking 10 minutes. Thankfully my hair wasn't that tangled and I dry my hair pretty quickly. I grab a hairband from my drawer and try to put my hair up in a ponytail. The hairband snaps. Shit, I'll just leave it down.
I put some makeup on, some mascara and concealer. I open my wardrobe, and suddenly hate everything in my wardrobe. What do you wear to school? Dresses? Trousers? I don't know.
I decide to go for my black skinny jeans and the red jumper I wore the day I was adopted. I put on my favourite Converse shoes and look at myself in the mirror. I actually don't look that bad for once.

I go into the kitchen, where Mark and Jack are already up. I smell coffee, as a cup of it is put in front of me. "You excited for your first day of school?" Mark says, placing toast on a plate in front of me as well. All I do is groan.
"Come on Laura, it isn't that bad, you have to remember we went to school too" Jack pats my shoulder, sitting next to me with a slice of toast too. "Eat up, you don't want to be late"

10 minutes later we are in the car going to school. I look out the window and it's starts to rain. Great way to start my day. I sigh, looking at my dark purple school bag at my feet. I didn't know what to bring, so I just shoved some copies and a pencil case in there. I really don't want to do this.

We pull up to the school gates, I get out of the car after hugging Mark and Jack. "Remember, go to the principle first, she'll help you. Don't forget to make friends!" Jack shouts, as I close the car door. I walk through the school gates and through the yard, where everyone is chatting to their friends. They all stare at me as I walk past, whispering to eachother. Already I feel like the odd one out.

A girl comes up behind me. "Hey! Are you new here? My name is Hannah, nice to meet you!" She is the happiest person I've ever met, her brown curls bouncing around, her blue eyes staring at me, but not in a rude way. "Um, hi, yeah I'm new, I'm kind of lost actually" I laugh lightly. "My name is Laura" "Nice to meet you Laura! I'll help you get to the principles office" Its weird that she knew I needed to go the principles office, but I'm guessing that's the usual for new kids.

We finally reach the office. "Here you go! See you around!" Laura walks off, smiling at everyone she meets. I gulp, knocking on the door. A woman answers the door, smiling down at me. "Hello! What can I do for you?" "I'm new here" I say quickly, and she lets me in. The room is very big and spacious. All the walls are covered in photographs, mainly of the school, but also of students winning awards and trophies.

The lady sits down behind her desk, there's a little sign that says "Mrs Howell" .
"Hello! You must be Laura?" I nod, trying to smile. "Okay, let's see what class you're going to be in" she says, looking through a long list. "You're going to be in 2Ba okay?" I nod again, writing this down in one of the copies I have in my bag. "Here's your schedule and locker number and key, if you lose any of these come back to me and I'll help you" I smile at her, she looks quite kind and friendly. "Thank you so much" I say, putting the copy back into my bag. "No problem! Hope you have a nice first day!" I walk out of the room, and Hannah is waiting for me outside.

"Um, hi" I say, is this girl stalking me?
"So, what class are you in?" she smiles, showing off her bright white teeth. "I'm in 2Ba I think" I flick through the pages until I find my class. "Yeah 2Ba".
"I'm in that class!" she smiles even more, which I thought was physically impossible. "We have English now, come on follow me!" I walk beside her, going down halls and up so many stairs that I have no idea where I was going.  We finally reach class and on the door it says "English Room 202".

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