Chapter 19

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Laura's POV

Mark unlocks the door to our flat where Jack is waiting for us. He smiles, and puts out his hand to shake Hannah's. "Hello! My name is Jack!" Hannah shakes his hand, smiling. "Hi! I'm Hannah"
Something looks wrong with Jack. It looks like he's been crying. I can't ask him now, I'll ask him later.

"Hey guys, do you mind if we go to my room?" I ask. "No problem!" Jack says, Hannah and I walk by them and into my room. Hannah goes and sits down on my bed, I follow her and sit down beside her.
"So, your parents are nice" Hannah says, looking around my room. "Your room is so nice oh my god". I smile. "Yeah, maybe too nice, and thanks".

"So, what's your thing with Joe?" Hannah says eagerly, wanting to know more. "He must have sent you more than just that one message". I sigh, "No, that's all he said". Today at school whenever I would look over at him he would quickly turn the other way, he was obviously looking at me.
"What did you say back?" Hannah says, snapping me out of my daydream. "I just said 'What? No I'm not' and he said 'Yeah you are' and I didn't answer". I scroll through the messages. Hannah looks over my shoulder. "He definitely likes you" Hannah says, pushing me over. "I've only been in the school like two days" I say laughing. It's true, it's definitely too early to have someone liking me.

I hear a knock on the flat door and I hear Mark opening it asking "Hello, what do you want?" I hear young voices. "This once, I don't want people invading my privacy" and they are quickly gone. I hear Jack whisper something to Mark.

"Laura, are you okay? You just ignored me" I shake my head, and look at Hannah who's looking at me worryingly. "Sorry" I smile, "Just zoned out, what did you say?" "I said, you should call him" I shake my head straight away. "No, I'll mess things up, I'll ask him on Monday" It's Friday now, it'll give me time to think of what to say.

"If you say so" Hannah says, smiling at me with her perfect white teeth. "By the way, I know your parents are Jacksepticeye and Markiplier" My heart sinks. "You won't tell anyone will you?" I look at her, staring directly into her eyes. "My lips are sealed" she gives me a big hug and I hug her back. Hannah is the best friend I never had.

For the rest of the day we take snapchats together, adding them to our stories. There was a hilarious one of me falling off the bed, laughing my head off. Hannah nearly falls off the bed too, laughing. She pulls me up onto the bed.
"You know, you're the first best friend I've had" I say, getting my breath back from laughing so much. "Really? You're my first best friend too! I had only come to the school a week before you" "That's cool! It's like we were destined for each other"

Suddenly there was another knock on the door, and we both know it's Hannah's parents. "I'll see you Monday I guess" I say, hugging her as we come out of my room. "Of course! Also I want you talk to him, if you don't I'll do it!" she says, laughing.

We walk out to the door, where Hannah's mom and dad are waiting. Hannah is the splitting image of her mom. They both smile at me as we walk towards them. "Hello Laura! My name is Alice and this is Tom" Hannah's mom says, smiling. I know where Hannah gets her smiling traits from. "Hello" I say, shaking Tom's hand.

"Thank you for letting Hannah come over" Alice says to Jack, who's behind me. "No problem! She can come over any time!" "We will make sure to invite Laura over some time, would you like that Hannah?" Hannah nods, and we laugh. "See you soon Laura!" Hannah says, as the door closes. "Bye!" I wave, and the door closes, Jack locks it again.

"Hannah is a lovely girl, isn't she?" Jack says, hugging me. "Yeah..... hey, were you crying earlier?" Jack immediately sighs, "Yeah, it was a sad game I was playing" he lies, but I didn't know he was lying. "Oh, okay" I say, not completely believing him. Mark comes out of his recording room, a little angry. "What's wrong?" I'm so confused, why is everyone so sad and angry??

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