Chapter 6

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"Why are we up so early..." I complain as I'm leaning on Haru, for support from falling over. He must've gotten tired of my weight cause he called to Rei and then pushed me. "(F/n)-chan get off you're heavy!" I hit him on the back, "never tell a girl she's heavy, geez no wonder you don't have a girlfriend." 'Or boyfriend.' I think that last part knowing that if I said it I might get in trouble later. "Rei how about you give me a piggyback ride, it would be like training." I say with a cheerful tone smiling brightly so as to change his mind, "since it's illogical to fight you I'll agree but on the condition that, you start loosing weight." I glare but get on Rei's back. "Awwww (f/n)-chan and Rei-chan look so cute!!!!" I laugh cause it's absolutely ridiculous, I would never be with Rei. Besides my ship is too strong, "(f/n) we're here. Get off Rei." I look at Haru as I get off Rei's back, "I'm still tired." I deadpan look him my (e/c) eyes making contact with his water blue ones.
"You'll get to swim soon (f/n)-chan so don't worry." Says Nagisa with way too much energy, "Oi people." I look behind me to see Rin,Nitori, a random orange fluff, and Sousuke. SOUSUKE??????! DA FUCK???????!!!!?!?????!??? I grab Haru and use him as a shield to cover me, "(f/n) what are you doing?" "As my cousin and since you love me I declare you my human shield to hide me." He just nods and stands there, not caring that his only cousin is hiding like shy toddler. "Guys this is my old friend Yamazaki Sousuke, Sousuke this is everyo-" Rin suddenly got cut off by Gou running up to Sousuke "Sousuke-kun I haven't seen you in forever, you're just as bad as Rin communicating." She says to the older boy, he laughs and just pats her head, like an older brother would telling his sister that Santa doesn't exist.
Sousuke POV (what we've all been waiting for)
I saw the group of Rin's friends and stared at Nanase-kun and that's when I saw a little bit of (h/c) hair behind him. 'Wonder who that is?'

WHAAAAAAAA SORRY!!!! I swear I promise to be a good author-chan and write better and more frequently.

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