Take Action

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For: malandbenforever123

Diana's POV

I can't believe Ben turned down my offer to dance.
I mean who would turn down me?!
I have to make him fall for me!
But how?
I tried exposing Mal, but that didn't work.
I tried being an angel, well come on, I'm already one, but that didn't work either.

I walked towards my sla-i mean friends.
" So...what you two been up too?" I asked.
" You won't believe this, but Mal has the most beautiful singing voice ever!" Clara said.
" She sure does, we heard her sing outside!" Lara added.

I checked my nails.
" I doubt she does." I said, cause nobody can sing better than me.
" We thought you may say that so here, we took video." Lara took out her phone and played the vid.

" If only! Yeah yah, if only, yeah yah, if only, yeah yah, if only...if only.....if only..."
Wow.....that's some singing........but I sing better.

" Hey, What if that voice hypothesized Ben?" Clara said.
I crossed my arms.
" Hey for the first time you could be right!"
That witch, that's how she did it.

But no worries, I have plans up my sleeves.
And boy were they ready to take into action.
For my first part of the plan, we'll need Ben, a phone.....and a kiss.


Ben's POV

   I excused my self from the conversation I was recently in.
I tried to get Mal, but Diana stopped me.
" Hey Ben!" She smiled.
I sighed.
" Hey..."
" I wanna talk with you...in private."
I looked behind her, to where Mal would be.
I'll talk to Diana quickly then I'll go Mal.
No sweat....right?
" Um okay, but fast." And with that I followed her into the corridor.

" So what is it that you wanna talk about?" I asked.
She looked at me with an innocent look.
" Ben, I remember when you said you liked me, I really didn't realize what that truly meant until much later, possibly when you stop liking me, but that feeling is still there, and it still could be in your heart Ben, I know it is."

I stood there, what do I tell her. I mean Mal is my life, I could never leave her, but what can I possibly say to her with out hurting her feelings.
She looked at me, waiting for a response.
I sighed, and as I did that's when she went in and kissed me.
I stood there for a few seconds to process what just happened.
I then pushed her off.
" DIANA, WHAT THE HECK! WHY DID YOU KISS ME!" I practically yelled.

She smiled at me.
She was satisfied with what she did but I sure wasn't.
" Diana, I don't like you and I probably will never again, I  have Mal, and that's all I need to be happy right now!"
I walked off, pretty mad at her, but I knew who to calm me  down.
Though it could get ugly if I told her Diana kissed me, knowing how them two like each other.
I won't bring it up, and I'll just leave it to that.

I walked outside, a cool breeze touching at the skin.
I saw Mal sitting on the thick brick railing, she seemed to be asleep.
I ran to her.
" Mal!" I exclaimed.
Her eyes snapped open, revealing her bright green eyes.
" What! What's going on!?" She said, looking around.
I helped her off the railing and onto the floor.

" You scared me, you were asleep on the railing, one wrong move in your sleep and you could've fallen off." I told her, looking straight into her eyes.
She smiled, her eyes showing that everything is fine.
" Ben don't worry, I know how to handle myself.....at times."
Though I smiled, my guts told me something else.
" Come on,  you seem really tired, let's take you to bed." I grabbed her up into my arms.
She giggled.
" Ben put me down.....some people are watching."
I ignore her and carried her all the way to are room.

I set her on the bed.
" Ya know, I have to legs with feet on them, I can walk myself." She laughed.
I kissed her forehead.
" I know, but sometimes I just like treating you like the princess you are."
She blushed at the statement, she smiled and laid her head on the pillow.
Minutes later she was asleep.

Yah, new chapter up!

Have a Miraculous day! ;)

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