Better Now

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For: malandbenforever123

Mal's POV

   It's so dark.......

Where am I?

Did I actually.....

No, I didn't....

Then why is it so dark?

I have to wake up!

Wake Up!!!

My eyes flutter open, revealing the morning sun.
I looked around, I was in our room....
I don't remember getting here...
Oh, Ben must have carried me here.
I turned my head to the side, (which hurt) and noticed Ben leaning onto the bed, his head resting at the edge, and his hand holding mine.
I smiled, he seemed so peaceful sleeping......just seemed like a small child.

I let him sleep and kept looking around.
I moved my arm to my forehead, feeling the cloth placed there.
I noticed the banged around my wrist....what happened to it?
Had Ben really hold on that tightly that I had a bruise?
Wow.....he really didn't want me to go...

I tried to get comfortable without waking up Ben, but I failed.
He tiled his head towards me, he smiled at me until he realized the banged and cloths on me remembering last night.
" Mal you're awake!" He exclaimed, grabbing a chair, pulling it close to me then sitting down.
" Yeah....I'm awake!" I smiled at him.
He squeezed my hand, was he doing it because he thought this wasn't real?
He looked into my eyes, they looked almost grey....mine probably looked the same way.
" Can we talk about last night? If it's okay with you." He asked.
My smiled slowly started to disappear, but I nodded any how.

" This is right to the point, I know but how did you end up hanging from the balcony?" He asked, massaging my hand.
I sighed and looked away from his eyes.
" You probably won't believe me..." I said.
He sighed, " Mal...."
I looked back at him and took a deep breath.
" Diana pushed me off the balcony, making me fall but luckily I was able to grab on." I explained.
" Diana?! Diana did this?!" He said shocked.
I nodded and closed my eyes, the memory started to replay in my head.
" Why did she, she was out of her mind to do so!" He said, anger boiling in his every word.

I touched his face, calming him down.
" Diana is just a brat princess that will do whatever to get what she wants, destroying anything in her way......which was I."
He nodded, but his expression stayed the same.
" I still can't believe she would do something so wrong to something I really cared for..." He mumbled.
I moved my wrist, forgetting  that it was bruised, until pain shot threw it.
I whined, and jerked my hand away, making Ben jump a little at it.
" You're wrist still really hurts?" He asked, gently grabbing it.
I nodded, " What happened to it...I really don't remember much."
He looked at it for a while but then looked up at me.
" At first I thought I may had bruised it but actually looking at the scar on it, you probably scratched it when you slipped...but since you were a bit delirious, you didn't feel it." He explained.
He sure knows his stuff....

" Tell me Doctor Benjamin, when well I heal?" I joked.
He smiled, and chuckled a bit before looking half serious.
" Well by the looks of it Ms. Mal Bertha you'll have to stay in bed all day, under my medication and supervision."
I laughed.
" All day?! I'll die of boredom!!!" I whined, yet still laughing.
He laughed along side me, we I looked at him, his cheeks were pink... was he...blushing?
" The color in your face is coming back." He stated, his thumb smoothing my check.
" So is yours." I said.
He stared at him, not really understand until I pointed towards his cheeks.
He looked away, turning his face into a light red now.

" Anyways...what are we going to do about Diana?" He asked, now playing with a strand of my hair, twirling it.
I thought for awhile until it clicked.
" I have a plan...."

My wicked smile gleaming......

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