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For: Offic_MayaEficent_

She was found!!! Woohoo!

Diana's POV

What a lovely morning!
I've never slept so well!
Hmm...I wonder why?

Oh yes!

Mal is gone!
I laughed and clapped my hands in delight.
Oh today is going to be an excellent day.


I walked around the garden, mainly the place where Mal should've fallen.
Maybe they already cleaned up.
Oh my poor Ben must be devastated....but I'll be there to cheer him up.
Then he'll realize that I've always been the one, then I'll be his!
I laughed, but then one must see me in this state or they'll start suspecting something.

I walked back in side the palace, and head towards the library, I mean Ben must be there, after all he is Belle's son.
I walked in.....and as I suspected, there he was, by the looks of it searching for a specific book.
Once he noticed my shining presences he half smiled.
" Hello Diana."
His voice sent shivers up my spine.
" Hello Benny! How are you doing?" I smiled.
" Fine, thanks for asking, how about you?" He asked.
" Fine, any how, where's Mal? Have you seen her today?" I questioned, oh let your soul out, and I'll heal it!

He looked at me confused, hehe... why was he making that face?
" Who's Mal?" He asked.
I laughed.
" Don't be know Mal, your.....g-girlfriend, purple hair, green eyes." I explained.
He still looked confused.
" What do you mean girlfriend? The only girlfriend I've ever had has been Audrey, but we broke up a year ago." He said, grabbing a certain book.

No, no, no it wasn't a dream, I'm sure of it!
No of course not!
You're not crazy!
I mean I'm crazy!
I mean! Urgh!
I calmed my self down, then smiled again.
" Are you sure? You're not pranking me right?"
" Well it's not April first, so no. Honestly Diana who is Mal, did you make her up, is she possibly your imagery friends?" He questioned.
" No! Of course not! I'm serious!! Mal does exist!!! She's real! Look!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me, towards the room he was staying in.
I slammed opened the door and noticed......Mal wasn't there.
I checked the closest.....nothing.
I opened up the bathroom....yet again nothing.

What is going on!
Mal exist!
I know she does!
I pushed her of a balcony last night!
" What did you want to show me?" Ben said from behind, seeming annoyed.
" I......I.....urgh!" I exclaimed and left room.

Mal does exist!
I'm not going crazy!!!

Ben's POV

  I closed the doors and laughed.
" She actually feel for it!"
" She's so gullible!" I heard from behind me.
I turned and noticed Mal reappearing, along with everything else that she made disappear.
" I especially loved her face when she tried to explain herself." She laughed, the color of her cheecks starting to slowly return.
Mal started wobbling a bit, so I helped her, leading her to sit on the bed.
" Mal I tol-"
" I know, I know, don't you use up all of your energy. I have to rest but honestly, I can't do that, I'll die of boredom!" She whined, falling on her back.
I chuckled a bit bit, of the cute remark.

" Anyways, tell me once again what we're doing?" I questioned her, sitting next to her.
" The plan is for us to make Diana think I don't exist, make her think that she's crazy,to the point where she confesses and then I'll show up!" She said, playing with her hands.

I smiled and kissed her forehead, she sat up and stared at me.
" What was that for?" She asked.
I shrugged, and pulled her close to me.
" I guess because, if you haven't's almost our 1 year anniversary!" I smiled.
She gasped, realizing it too.

She smiled and removed some strands away from her eyes. " Time flies quickly when you're having fun, seems like only weeks ago we were at the enchanted lake, you all bubbly due to the cookie!"
She laughed a little, which I only smiled and shook my head.
" It's always an adventurous, amazing day with you by my side!" I said, taking her into an embrace.

" It'll be like that forever."

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