Time Skip

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For: malandbenforever123

Mal's POV

Mal, you seemed a bit stressed out lately, what's up? Is it about Diana?

I was recently brushing Lunar's mane, in stables.
One, it was to escape from Diana and Ben, ( Ben because he too noticed how stress I was, and wouldn't stop asking why) and Second, I wanted to be with Lunar.
She made me feel like I was talking to Evie, who I missed.

Well, lately I've been having this dream, I don't think horses dream this but for us humans, it's something that happens to most of us.

What is the dream like?

Well, I'm not sure what's going on in it, but all of a sudden, I feel like I'm falling, I keep falling, and when I'm about to hit the floor, I wake up abruptly.

That's sounds a bit scary...

Yah, anyways, I didn't really pay much attention to it but now, it's been happening mostly every night now...and now I feel like it's trying to tell me something.

Hmmm...could be, but what if it's not?

Well if it's not.....then I don't know why I'm dreaming it, but if it is.....I guess I'll just have to wait until it happens.

I wouldn't be so calm if it involves falling...falling is not the best for us horses, especially when you can't get back up

Hehehe, yah but it is adorable when you horses trying getting back up



I placed down the brush, finally finishing to brush Lunar's mane. I scratched her under her neck, (where she likes it) and stepped out of her, how she called " Her Room".
I grabbed my phone, noticing that Ben had texted me.

Ben: Mal where are you?

Me: Just here, hanging out with Lunar

Ben: Oh okay, I was worrying a bit ':)

Me: No need to worry, my fine, as always ;)

Ben: Okay, well see you in an hour

I looked at the screen for a while, why did he want to see me in hour?
What's going to happen in.....oh right! The last Ball is tonight!

Me: Oh um yeah see ya then =]

I better get going!

Bye Lunar! I have to get going, I'll come see ya tomorrow!

Okay bye Mal!

With that I speed walked towards my room, tapping quickly at my phone.
" Hey Evie, it's time for your magic skills!"


Diana's POV

I stood in the shadows, for hoping no one to see.
" They take forever to do something." I mumble to my self, referring to Clara and Lara.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, they came running towards me, giggling the whole way.
" About time, so did you do it?" I asked impatiently.
" We sure did, though I may say the dress was very beautiful, like if someone really famous design it!" Clara said, while Lara nodded.
" Hm...I like to say that my dress are way better than hers but what ever! Where did you leave the dress?" I asked.
" Um..we left it in the closet, so she could see the "new touch ups"." Lara smiled.
" Wow, for once you did an excellent job, now come on girls, tonight things will change around here!" I laughed.

Oh Benny, say hello to your new girlfriend, and goodbye to the old one!!

If you didn't already, please leave questions for me to answer in my Q&A!!

Thank you.

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