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You say yo girl a loyal hoe
But why she in my inbox though?
I got that nigga on hush mode
Serve it like icecream
I'm ova here making ya girl scream

"Who you making scream?" I heard Erin say behind me.

My heart rate went up so fast. I quickly closed my notebook.

"Don't be sneaking up on a nigga like that." I said.

"Sorry." She said sitting next to me.

We were in the library for study hall.

"You going the party after school?" She asked.

"Uh yeah." I said.

I looked up at her and noticed her gorgeous eyes. Her pretty face. Her big lips. Snap out of it Rico.

"Should I wear a one piece or a two piece?" She asked.

"Why you asking me?" I asked.

"Because you're my best friend." She said.

"Two piece." I said.

"Okay." She said.

I looked at her before looking down.

"Erin I really li-"

Just then the bell rung and the school day was over. I packed up my stuff.

"What were you saying?" She asked.

"Nothing. See you at the party." I said.

"Bye." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

She kissed my cheek and walked out of the library. I sighed and grabbed my bag. What the fuck is wrong with me?


Once the bell rung I was gone. It was too much of hassle catching that bus to just hang around. And besides there was this party and I had to look my absolute best.

I got on the bus and noticed Tayne on their. I rolled my eyes. He was right across from my usual seat.

"Why are you on the bus?" I asked with an attitude.

"Why you so worried about me?" He shot back.

"Shut the fuck up." I said plugging my headphones in.

He stuck up his middle finger at me. I turned the other way and listened as Drake filled my ears. When we got to my stop I stood up but Tayne tripped me. Everyone started laughing.

I stood up, recollected myself, then smacked the shit out of him. I gracefully walked off the bus.


"Ty!" I yelled.

"Wassup?" He said.

"You going to that party?" I asked.

"Yeah you?" He asked.

"You already know." I said.

"Well Mario picking me up. How you getting there?" He asked.

"Cadesha's friend Aisha is taking us in here truck." I said looking through my swimsuits.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now