Chapter One: The End of The Beginning

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Chapter One: The End of The Beginning

To my surprise; I had gotten away with no punishment from court. I couldn’t understand how. My so called friends got short term penalty. I did think that they would get away worse than I would’d. But I hadn't calculated for that to happen. They did a lot of shit throughout the years. And I was new in the gang. When court had ended I was sent to the police station.

I was waiting in this fucking unfriendly and small room. With sickening white walls around me. What was I doing there anyway, if I’d gotten away from my deep shitty trouble? Maybe they had said something else to the police. Or the cops wanted a questioning once more before they took me back to court. Well fuck all of them. I wasn’t a rat. I wouldn’t sell out my friends. Even if they had sold me out.

But as I’d said, at the end everybody’s alone. I knew they were just saving themselves. I had a clean record compared to them. I knew they said I planned and did the robbery mostly. And that they were just helping out.

The drugs. What if they had said I was getting that shit from God knows where. I didn't know who their drug dealer was, so it wasn’t like I could tell it to the world. Even If I had wanted to.

As I was deep in thoughts, the door opened. I was sitting in a chair behind a small table with handcuffs on. Those cops behaved as if I was some big shot criminal. I chuckled at the thought.

"Having fun kid? I don't think you have any reason to laugh."  Said the rat-like cop who’d stepped into the room.

"Well I think I am too big for crying. "  I snapped back.

"You have a big mouth. But don't forget you are at the police station, right now."  He said to me;  "Well I will give you new informations about what can you do now" I didn't think he was liking those news. "So boy, your friends and you got caught. They will be sent juvenile for about two years."  He said with a condescending tone. I fucking understood what he was saying.

"Get to the point. " I said.

"Watch your mouth thug! You don't want to make me angry." He threatened.

"Andy, I will take over from here."

I looked up, and the man from this morning had entered. He patted Andy‘s shoulder and so the rat left.

I was watching as he took the cop’s seat. He was even bigger from up close with a nicely shaped face and clothes. He had a Black Sabbath shirt and light jeans.

"Nice shirt " I said. Although the T-shirt’s nice, I didn't like him. What he was doing here?

"Thanks " He said and smiled knowingly. I could tell he was sensing I didn't like him. I probably wasn’t the most sympathetic person he’d met in his life.

"So what am I doing here?" I asked as I looked around once more at the room.

"Twenty years old. Robbery and burglary, you’re a run away too. What do you want from your  life?" He asked.

What the hell, had he really asked me that. Not many people had asked me what I wanted in life. They always asked why I wasn’t doing as told, or why I always made shit harder. But this was a question that surprised me.

"Nothing" I said, dead serious. I didn’t want to do anything, didn't want to be anything. I’d given  up on dreams and stupid shit like that. It wasn’t in my world.

He looked at me and could see that I wasn’t lying, or trying to be a smart ass.

"The love of my life wants to give you a chance. She wants you. God knows why, but she wants to adopt you. I won't lie, I don't like you. This morning you were staring at her. So,you might’ve remembered when you tried to rob her! " He said.

And holy shit I remembered now. It’d been my first attempt at robbery. I’d tried to steal her bag, but she beat me to a pulp. How could I’d forgotten that  woman. Oh God, she was strong as hell. From the shock on my face, he might have guessed that I’d just remembered his wife.

"Well Carol is a strong woman." He chuckled .

I looked at him, he was a gorgeous man. And what was he saying, adopting me? Nobody wanted to adopt me.

"So I want you to come with and live with us." He said. It was more like a command; "Of course, if you don't wanna, you can go back to the court. You’ll get what, maybe one year in the Juvi." He grinned at me. We both knew I didn't want to go there.

I was trapped. I could go to live with them. But they were, no doubt, crazy. I’d tried to rob his wife, and she beat me up. And I am not proud of that, ‘cause I know I could fight. And they wanted me to live with them? No, he didn’t, only her. That Carol woman was crazy. I didn't want to go to the Juvenile but, Juvi or this bear and his mad wife. It was a big dilemma for me. Adoption?

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Name is Jack, boy" He offered a handshake. I looked at his hands and then showed my own to him with a strained smile. He looked amused; "So boy, what will you do? I don’t think you like those on your hands!" He said and knew he’d won.

"I'm not boy. I'm Kevin, and I don't want anything to do with you. But I don't exactly have a choice. Although I’ll say yes now, I won't assure you that I’ll stay for long."  He nodded and then I was freed from my handcuffs. While we walked through the station, everybody greeted Jack.

"You’re one of them?" He looked at me for a minute, while still driving carefully.

"Them? Boy, I'm not a mind reader. Talk normally." He said amused. I didn't have a clue what was so fucking funny.

"My name’s Kevin, and cop. Are you a cop?" I said

"Cop, huh. Yeah, I am a policeman. Catching the bad guys, protecting citizens. Thats my job. " He seriously winked at me, thinking he was cool. Tough, now I understood, how he had influence on my case. Corrupt system, much?

"Thats just fucking great."

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