Chapter Thirteen: Curiosity killed the Tom

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Chapter Thirteen: Curiosity killed the Tom

I woke up with the morning sun slapping me in the face. My face burned and my eyes hurt.

I felt something heavy on me and slowly opened my eyes, at first I was confused but then I remembered the night before and whose body rested on me. He had climbed further up in his sleep and was breathing against my cheek. His limbs were a bit longer than mine, but still trapped between my hands and legs.

He squirmed on me and whined, then yawned and opened his eyes. Big boy blinked a few times when he realised the position we were in. He tried to move but in an instant put his hand on the bottom of his back in pain.

“Shh, I have a throbbing headache beautiful.”

I embraced him and pushed his shifting body against mine roughly. “Wanna sleep in,” I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek when I saw his expression, his brown eyes were full of terror and anger. I knew he probably wouldn’t let me relax.

“You better rest for a while too.” I glanced down at his ass and placed my hand on his lower back.

"You fucker, don't touch me. Keep your cunt hands off. " Try and try you can but I wont be going anywhere and neither would you.

"I just kept you warm for the night. Don't be grumpy."

"Yeah right, after you, you" he tried to say what happened but his voice didn't come out with the last word. His gorgeous eyes were avoiding mine and his lips pushed together tightly. His body stiffened from the memories running through his head.

"Take you, be grateful. I could’ve just left you but I stayed here. I knew you would feel like shit in the morning. Kurt must be all worried "  I stated when he pulled off of me while groaning from the pain. He laid down next to me without the blanket or clothes. "You have good body, I like it big boy."  

"Shut up, I don't care about your opinion. In fact, just go the hell, leave me alone." he turned on his side with his back facing me.

“You know, you’re always saying shit like that to me But yesterday you invited me to drink with you first, and you’ve been in the game for weeks now.” I covered him with half of the blanket.

He’d been shivering from the cold morning, but would’d never admitted it. “Rest a bit and try to sleep. I’ll get something for us to eat later, then if you’re up for it you can go home or whatever.

I got up later and went down on the stairs. "How could I’ve pushed that bastard up on this steep shit last night." I was still amazed at myself when I saw Kurt lying on the couch, with Mark’s head on his shoulder  "Still sleeping huh?" I stepped closer to them.

"Hey princesses, wake up. The sun is up and shining on your tummies. " I shouted and they almost fell down from the couch.

"Shit, hombre don't wake us up like that, ever again! Are you crazy? I almost got a heart attack." Mark wailed while placing his hands on his temples. Kurt stood up and  and looked me up and down. "Good night? "

"Yeah." I sent him a sly grin."You?" I glanced at Mark then back to Kurt. He smiled and flipped his hair out of his eyes.  "Not bad. Now waltz out of the kitchen and pull some clothes on Martha, I’m hungry. "

"Me too, but I can't recall where are my car keys are." Mark whined and placed his head on the couch.

"Then Kurt, your honey will be in use." I went up again, and checked on big boy while searching for my clothes. He was so cute entangled in the blanket. I stroked his hair and then went back down to the kitchen with clothes on. Kurt and  Mark were sitting at the counter, none too patiently.

"Your boots, we found them."

"Thanks Kurt babe, but where the hell?" I blinked at them confused and put on my boots and leather jacket.

"Well, I didn't want to find them I swear." Mark commented while he adjusted his shirt.

"We were  searching for you cuz you fucking disappeared, went upstairs and found your boots outside one of the rooms. We heard shouting so I opened the fucking door a little"

"Oh shit Kurt, the hell, why were you two peaking? " I yelled at them and ran my hand through my hair. Fantastic. I become so frustrated "Then what the two of you saw?"

"Well you know very well, hombre." Mark winked at me and stood up. " I wanna eat, my stomach is crying for food. I have to give it to him."  I grinned at him while he stretched lazily.

"Don't say a word to him. He is a fucking coward and I just finally laid him. It was a lot of work, so don't ruin my fun." I grinned wickedly at them. Mark just shook his head.

"I won't ruin your fun, if you won't ruin my friend." he said with a stern look in his light blue eyes. I couldn’t promise anything man, not my thing.

" Deal." I answered despite the voices in my head.

"Get out of the kitchen and into the car before you two do this father in law act for any longer."

We both laughed at Kurt’s comment and obeyed the commander.

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