Demons of the past

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Dear readers!Thank so much for reading my works!Sorry for the long wait! I hope you'll all understand that I have work and school now! So my free time is basically spend with sleeping.Still hope you'll enjoy this new chapter of mine!

Love ya all and you are all awesome!

I tried to chill.

I really tried.But still it was haunting me.All the shit that happened so many years ago.I thought I grew out of fear.But no.Nobody can leave that big dark and lurking emotion aside.

"Are you okay dear?"Carol came up behind me and caressed my back.A motherly gesture and for once it was welcomed.

I shook my head."Can't you just send them away?"I whined like a hurt child and in so many ways I was still one,deep down.

Carol sent me a sorry look."Kevin.This is very important and not just for you.That man,"She looked away for a moment."did harm to a lots of child,we had to know if.."Her hand came to rest on my shoulders."if you were amongst them."

I broke eye contact immediately.She caught on it."They need somebody to testify against that monster.Or they can't lock him up."

I laughed bitterly."The men of the frickin' law never wanted to hear me,never helped me.What can they do now?Why would they do anything?"

"They are here.And they want to know,so they can do their job properly."Reasoned Carol.But she hadn't know the remorse I felt was real ,and it had a good reason .I fucking hated the bitches.Police and all that shit.They never helped me .Not once!

"Why should I help them?" I almost spat out.

She shook her head,Carol was disappointed in me.Like everyone else.It was my best ability.In matter of time I let everybody down.It was sure as a bullet straight into the head.

"If not for yourself do it for others."She took a step back,giving me distance.When rage took over me.""Who knows how many kid has to suffer in the future if they can't bring him down now."

It made sense.I ran away.But what about others?I wasn't the only one,I knew.I escaped and leaved behind the kiddos.Vulnerable and young,they were his favorites.

Taking a deep breath I nodded and walked back into the living room and sat down.Pulling out a fag without a care and lighting it up.


"Carol leave it.Just search for an ashtray.It's in the spare room,in the left drawer of the nightstand."Jack cut Carol off and turned to me."Come on kid.Talk to us."

I raised my brows and didn't give a shit what the officers thought about witnessing an under aged kid smoke while his step-father of a policeman let him.

"Will you answer now?" Asked Dean with an inpatient look on his face.

I nodded."Huan Ventigmila."I started.I thought ,I would rather take my time then being questioned and feeling like a criminal so I said everything on my own accord slowly."He was a nice enough guy,for long.The only worker who was also our friends and hadn't thought of us like a burden ,homeless,abandoned kids with no future.Who wants to care about them?Nobody in their right minds.Well he wasn't right in the mind as it later came out."

I took a swig from my fag and thanked Carol the ashtray she delivered ."It wasn't anything special at first.He came into our room to play cards on his night shifts.Or board games.Gave us advice when we needed it.He was cool,and was like a reliable big brother.Or father figure .Looking back now it is so easy to see the honey trap.How he lured us in with being the nice happy go lucky guy when we always felt down.We were fools really."I clicked my tongue."Fucking stupid.We trust in him we shared everything with him,our thoughts ,our fears.He knew about all the shit we pulled.If we were bad at school or fought with somebody else.He always said we have to fight against bullies ."I chuckled ."What a hypocrite."

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