Chapter Twenty Two: Learn from The Master

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Chapter Twenty Two: Learn from The Master

"So what do you do then?"


"When you pick up your target, girl, date, chick, bimbo."

"Kevin, you do know I am married right?" The kitchen was in silence after dinner. The girls had went out to have a mother and daughter night, involved with some horrible musical. So I asked Jack for a little help. After what happened in school, I’d learned that I don't know everything. And the pick up lines were most definitely missing from my dictionary.

"I know, but I am almost sure you weren’t born with a ring on your finger, or maybe you were?" I raised a brow and asked in mock-shock.

Jack laughed, and with his bowl of popcorn made his way to the living room. I was on his heels of course. I knew I was annoying but Ihad to learn some tricks. Okay, I know big boy wasn't a girl. Clearly not, thank God. But a pick up line is a pick up line right? Gender doesn’t matter right?

I sat down on the couch and watched Jack change channels to Inv. Discovery. He really liked those creepy ghost shows. I just sighed and went to steal a handful of his popcorn. "Paws off kid. You can make one for yourself."

"No thanks, too much work." I commented while stuffing pops in my mouth. While chewing I asked again; "So how did you do it?"

Jack shook his head at my eating habits. It was habit, I grew up with a bunch of kids who always stolefood from each other. I had to stick it quickly down my throat so that I could’ve had more before it disappeared. "What?"

"The pick up thing, you know courting, wooing." I made big gestures with my hands.

"Why?" Jack questioned me. "Why do you wanna know, trouble in paradise? Not going too good with that Dan guy?" Jack asked with a big mocking grin while eating.

I grimaced and nodded. " David, but whatever." I sighed and continued. "He is a hard ass man. And right now he’s hating my guts. "

"I can understand him." Jack added, still mocking and making fun of me.

"Just answer ok? I ain't good with that buzzing around!"

Jack raised his brows. "Buzzing?"

"Yeah buzzing, like the bee and its flower you know. Buzzing." I waved with my hands imitating the buzzing bee.

Jack laughed and almost dropped the bowl. "Don't make fun of me. Fuck, I just wanted a little help here. "

I started to stand up when I felt my cheeks burning.

"Don't” He laughed.” Wait." After a few minute of chuckling Jack calmed down. "Okay sit down boy."

I made a face and clasped my hands in front of my chest as I sat down again.

"So I don't know how it works with boys, Kevin. But you know, when you’re buzzing." He chuckled again and I rolled my eyes. "You praise them, their clothes or say some shit about how their new hair cut fits them better. Something like that."

"Don't think the haircut thing is the winner." I commented and Jack waved with one of his hand at me. "Just an example. Kevin, you are nice to her or him. Compliment them, listen to their every word like you really care." He grinned and threw some pops in his mouth. "Search for something you really like in them and compliment it. It will seem more honest and personal if you’re not just praising things that others are praising too. Clear?"

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