Chapter Twenty One: Isn't what we would call caring

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Chapter Twenty One: Isn't what we would call caring

David POW:

It was a shitty day, all in all. Shitty classes with shitty teachers in a shitty school. After the the incident yesterday even the quickies were out of question. Suddenly, every bitch had became shy and innocent. Fuck it, I thought as I sat down with Terry and Steve in the cafeteria.

"Hey mate, will you come for practice today?" Steve asked while taking a bite from his hamburger, making a mess out of his shirt. "Shit!"

He cursed and smeared the ketchup making bigger red stains on the fabric. I gave a wolf like laugh with Terry, Steve had made my day better, with his usual carelessness and ill luck without even knowing it.

"I swear you're worse than my little bro and sis." Terry noted while taking a napkin

"You're starting to be a bigger idiot than Mark." Terry said while cleaning the red stain off, leaving only pink traces on. "And for that you need real effort."

I chuckled at his words and the sight too. The pouting face that Steve made without defending himself were fun to watch.

"Okay mommy." He mocked Terry when he'd finished.

"Shut up you retard. It's a habit" Steve cut off my mocking friend, making me laugh again.

"Hey, I don't have siblings. I wouldn't know mommy!" I commented at the angry glares from Terry.

"I will break your noses one day, I swear!" Terry massaged his temples while me and Steve laughed and I continued picking on him.

"You didn't learn patience from looking after the kids huh?"

"Yeah, but I ran out of it with the two of you!" he answered and looked up. "And either of you is as cute as my little sis and bro, fuckers!" The asshole winked at us while I made an offended face.

"Moi?" I pointed a finger at myself, and Steve laughed while my other friend nodded. "Don't wanna argue but did you never noticed my adorable appearance?" I winked and continued with a fake sigh. "Maybe I'll have to put a ribbon in my hair."

"Yeah absolutely, that's the solution. Terry here has a Lolita complex after all ." Steve commented and we laughed more while eating.

"Even if I had one, you two would be the ugliest Lolitas in the world." Terry stated and pointed at us.

"Ouch." Steve placed his hands on his heart making me laugh even more and quite louder than usual .

"Good to know you aren't in foul mood." Terry changed the topic to serious and smiled at me. I nodded, confused on what to say. Steve gazed at me with a grin on his stupid face as well.

"Eat pussies!" I commanded my friends and chuckled, covering up my embarrassment. I knew it was a sissy thing to do, but I couldn't say anything else just be a coward and distract them. I wasn't  accustomed to the emotional waves and I sure as hell won't start acting like a bimbo now. "We need the energy for practice!"

Steve's face lit up as I answered his prior question, and it was a warm feeling. I had great friends.

I gave me peace at mind. I know I sometimes lose control. Even I can't stand myself at times.

But they do, so it's okay even if I do make mistakes sometimes, and act like an asshole and break their crush's nose. Instead of leaving, they shout at me and give me a ride home. Then the next day we'll still be friends.

I didn't say sorry to the emo shithead and I won't, but I'm not going to raise my hand against him if it means losing Mark's friendship. Same goes for the two idiots

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