Chapter two:Little family

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Chapter Two: Little Family


We arrived at a townhouse in the heart of New York, Manhattan. Jack parked the car in front of a luxury house. They all looked posh in this area. I wondered how much cops earn, if he could afford this house and car. Jack got out of the car and motioned me to follow. I didn't have luggage or anything like that. I only had what I'd been wearing for the past month., so I got out of the car too and followed him. The inside of the house was hunormous.


"This home was built very modern, with a classic but impressive architecture. It boasts five bedrooms and six bathrooms. There's air-conditioning and heating in every room; Central stereo and fireplaces. I love the roof terrace, it's nice and relaxing. Of everything, what I like the most is the kitchen. It's so alive and practical, the table is so great.Tough, I cant really use it." I heard a woman say from behind me.


It was Carol, she had a deep lovely voice and fire-like brown eyes. She was, all in all, a very impressive woman. She went to Jack and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He rested a hand on Carol's shoulder as she looked at me.


"Welcome to our family Kevin. I've been waiting for you since our first meeting.  Sorry about not coming to pick you up, but I had to go back for work. I'm a psychologist, and a patient was waiting for me. It was very hard to find you. I'm a very lucky that my lovely husband found you for me. We were almost too late though. Well, sit down please, and then we can talk." She said smiling.


I followed them to the living room. It was as breath taking as the house with a fireplace to the right. I sat in the armchair and they in the couch. I wondered about what Carol said.


"Kevin I'm very happy that you choose us over the Juvenile Center. You must have  lot of questions, but please allow me to talk first. We've always wanted children but I can't carry one. We've known about it for five years. But we wanted a big family, and it's for that purpose we bought this big house.  Few years ago we adopted a beautiful little girl, Tanya. She's eleven now. I wanted another child, as did Jack. So when you tried to rob me." She giggled, and I got really embarrassed. Partly because she beat me up, and partly because I'm sitting in her house. But they saved me from Juvi. Jack was glaring at me,tough. I could understand him in a way.


She'd noticed my fidgeting. "Kevin you don't have to feel bad about what happened. You're a kid, and you'd had a hard time. I forgave you, and Jack will too." Now She glared at Jack until he nodded.  


"Everything takes time. "The woman winked at me. "So, that day when I saw you, I knew I would adopt you. We searched, and we were lucky enough to find you. You'll start school Monday. Of course, you'll have to go,"She noticed my reluctant face." I hope you'll get it right at school. I saw your prior grades and it was pleasant. Not all A's, but nobody has to become nuclear physicist."


"Your sister is at her piano lesson now. Jack will go to get her, after that we'll eat dinner. I'll take you out shopping tomorrow for some new clothes and school stuff. It'll be fun! I've only ever shopped for girls!" An excited squeel, then a serious face again.


She narrowed her eyes;" We have some rules you'll have to follow. "Not something I didnt predict." No, drugs in our house Kevin. I've read your files."With a knowing eye she looked me up and down, studying my reactions. But I wasnt surprised neither hearing their rules, nor getting the knowledge that I had files in the police system." I will try to help you in every way I can. But I will not tolerate drugs.  I have enough patient with drug problems, and I've seen what it does to people. You have to deal with it yourself, but I will help, and Jack too. Don't forget we're your family and will trake care of you. It'll take time, I do understand this, but you'll get used to us. "


"We'll have taken care all of the papers by Monday. You are a Karuso now and forever and always." She then stood up  and hugged me. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there in her embrace, fidgeting a little. This woman was seriouly fucked up in the head, this couple seemed suspicious. 


She hugged me a bit more when my body resisted the gentle gesture. Then she looked me in the eye, her eyes full of warmness and gave me a smile. Even if her words, and expressions seemed honest, I wasnt a fool. Why not adopt cute little kids, if you had the chance? Searching for someone, who was a thug, teenager, and hard to deal with, tried to rob you, with your husband of a policeman ,wasnt common, wasnt normal, wasnt sane.  


"Understood Kevin Karuso?"

"Yes ma'm" I said, still a little embarrassed. Not getting what was happening around me, while the guys I got caught with were serving their time, I was here getting hugged by some crazy chick who wanted me to continue school and play family with her. The scene was something from a really, cliché , cheesy movie, I did not want to watch. Nor believe.

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