prologue : how it happened

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I woke up with a happy start to my life, and the way it is turning out to be, I love my life because I have a perfect boyfriend who I believe loves me very much. I am Kate stone by the way, I have brown long curly hair and gorgeous brown eyes.
Well I'm not that popular at school but the weird thing is I am dating the cutest and most popular boy in school.

I attend city high school and I'm a senior there. Let me take you to how I met my boyfriend.

2 years back
Well I was sitting at the end of the table close to the part where students dispose of their leftover at lunch, minding my own business by eating my food all alone at the table, cos nobody sits there except for those classified as "geeks" under which I fall by the way.

As a freshman and a new student in high school, it's hard to make new friends especially if you are a nerd.

Being the smartest girl in class and all made it worse cos before I got into the school, there was this kid, Trina Johnson, she is a bully and her victims are often times people she fancies are weak, she's not a nerd but she is practically always the top of her class , my entry into the school changed that as I usurped her with my grades my first year in the school, she's hated me ever since.

While eating my lunch at the end of the table, Trina came up to me with her group of followers (wannabes), she then dropped her tray with her leftover food on me, then pretended it was a mistake; "oh, I'm sorry, did I drop that on you? my bad" me being me, I couldn't confront her, so I tried to leave quietly, which made it worse because she placed her leg on the way and I tripped and fell flat on the ground, everyone started laughing at me. With my face red with embarrassment, I got up as fast as I could to run out of the hall because I couldn't face the whole school with my clothes all dirty with the food Tina dropped on me, only for me to bash into someone, when I looked up, it was the crush of my life Luke Jester with his dreamy grey eyes. I have always seen him around, but I had never had the courage to face him or to even say hi, "I'm so sorry", I said as fast as I could and tried to run to my locker.

He was still holding me though, with the hand he used to steady me earlier, so I couldn't escape, which made me even more embarrassed, so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bash into you", he just smiled and said it was okay and asked if I was okay as well, "I'm good, I just need to go to the ladies to clean up" I said, not looking at him but at my feet, "okay" he said, "see you at the English class", I was shocked because I never thought he noticed me, since he was the hottest and most popular guy in school, with his tall and well built physique, he was also the captain of the football team, which I secretly go to spectate, just to watch him play.

From then onwards, he became my friend, secretly, since he's popular and I'm not. Then when we became seniors, he asked me out and I said yes, cos it was a dream come true for me.

The present day

As I prepared for school, I was thinking about how perfect my life had become since I started dating Luke, as I had become popular some, and I was no longer being teased by the students, even Trina was now my friend.

I got to school happy, I was going for my first class which was English, one of my favorite subjects, when I saw Luke and Trina together, I ran up to them to greet but they greeted me awkwardly like they were hiding something from me but I let it slide as I was determined to let nothing ruin my joy today.

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