CHAPTER ONE : my world came crumbling down

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One month after the party, Luke and Trina have been avoiding me, giving me silly excuses whenever I try to talk to them.

The way they have been avoiding me made me a little suspicious of them, I began to wonder what was up with them, there's the fact that ever since the incident with Luke, I've not been able to get Luke alone for a while to know exactly what happened that night and why he did it, anytime I walk up to him to start a conversation he just gives me excuses, like he has football practice and quickly leaves without even a goodbye kiss the way he used to. He also avoids eye contact with me, "this is weird"  I said to myself,
"Luke doesn't act like this with me, he was always loving, now he won't even look at me, Trina has also been acting strange, acting like her old self again, being all mean to me, what have I done to deserve this, I thought they were my friends, now I'm not so sure ".

Just one more month and I will be out of this hell hole called school, don't get me wrong!!, I love school but with what is going on right now I just wanna leave high school and start afresh in college and have fun. I can't wait to graduate from high school but I must get this over with, making sure I confront Luke to know what his problem is and Trina too, I thought to myself.

Today being Monday 20th of June 2013, I woke up but was feeling a little down, also lately I've been moody.  "hi honey, come down a sec" my Mom shouted from the kitchen, "I'm coming mom" I shouted back "let me get ready for school, will be down in a minute", after a while, I got down, grabbed my lunch and said, "So, what's up mom?" With the expression in my eyes that said "just say it already, I don't have all day", "your dad and I will be traveling to California for 2 weeks, hope you will be okay while we're away? We credited your account but if you need more, just ask. It's a very important business deal for your dad and he wants me to be there with him because it is also required".

I had been told sometime before that they'ld be traveling so it didn't surprise me in the least, besides, my parents are the busy type, they are hardly ever at home, as they are always going on one business trip or the other, so I just replied with "okay mom" and left for school. For a while now, I've not seen my period but I've been so busy trying to get Luke and Trina's attention that I didn't notice or pay much attention to it.

"That's the slut" those were the words that hit my ears when I got to school, "hey bitch" another voice said, I looked up to see everyone checking their phones and whispering among themselves, "hmm, what in hades was up now?" I thought to myself, as I continued walking down the hall to my locker, one of the stupid jerks in school walked up to me, "hey babe, if I knew you were that good in bed, I would have invited you over so we could get some groove on, you know what I mean" he said, winking at me.

"What?!" I practically screamed. Are you out of your mind and why would I wanna come to your house when I have a boyfriend? But you know that already so fuck off!!!! I said to him.

He just stood there with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, "come on babe, it isn't your first time so stop pretending to be a saint, haven't you seen your pictures everywhere, the whole school knows about it so stop your bullshit" he said, while showing me his phone to prove his point about the pictures.

"oh my God! Who did this?!" I asked, turning several shades of pink, "So you don't know, or you're pretending not to know? Anyways, ask that boyfriend of yours" he said.

"What! He did this?! Oh God, how could he!" I decided to look for Luke and demand an explanation about why there were nude pictures of me making rounds in school, as much as I didn't want to miss my first period which was marine biology, I just couldn't take it anymore, "how could he, of all days since that night, pick today to do this!" Just as I was about to enter the football field where I knew I would find Luke, I heard two students talking, the first voice was a female, I moved closer so I could hear what they were saying and I was shocked because I realised the voice was Trina's, telling the other person how I fell for their trick and how stupid I was, "don't mind her, she thinks you love her, it was only a bet and she fell for it, miss goody-two-shoes, she's such a stupid girl, I hope the whole school has seen the video, I'll make sure the  remaining one month of her school year is gonna be a living hell" Trina said, "oh my gosh, did I hear correctly, everything was a lie?!" I was curious to know who she had been talking to, so I looked closely only to find it was my one and only boyfriend, the one I already fantasized spending the rest of my life with, I thought he was the one. I tried to stay calm so they wouldn't hear me sob and also hear Luke's response to all Trina had said.

"You know I love you and I will do anything for you, although I feel bad a lil, she's a virgin u know, but no worries though, she was totally asking for it, how can I love a girl like her, the nerd of the school" Luke said, scoffing. I couldn't hold my tears at this point, I sobbed out loud and I think they heard me because they looked up at that point and started laughing scornfully at me, then they kissed, "I'm sure by now you would have seen those pictures of yourself" Trina said smiling.  "Luke how could you do this to me, thought you loved me, I thought we were meant to be together, isn't that what you always told me when we were together" I said, with tears running down my cheeks.

He just stood there holding Trina by the waist and laughing, he finally spoke looking at me with disgust like I was a piece of shit "all those was just to get under your skin, you and I can never be and will never be. I love Trina here and she has always been my girl long before I met you, it's because of the way you always stared at me that we decided to play this trick on you, me pretending to be your friend and asking you out later, all was just to get you, you foolish bitch!". My eyes started getting heavy, I began to feel dizzy before I knew what was happening I passed out.

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