CHAPTER SIX: Accidents happen

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"Are you girls ready to go?" Zoe one of Lucy friends that I met at the party asked as "she sat on one of the bed in the largest guest room."

"Just one more cookie, Zoe," I said.
I was still eating dessert but was on a different bed.

"Kate, don't be so inconsiderate. Glory is going to clean this room,don't make it any worse for her. Stop making the bed cover and the floor dirty," Lucy scolded me.

I shot a look of apology towards the cleaner who smiled and said it didn't matter. "Than i started to move towards the door of the room,"with the pile of cookies still in my hands.

"Where are you going? "Paige another one of Lucy's friends with her large, piercing blue eyes and her strawberry blond hair in a messy bun with a full lip and small ears and a great body to go with it asked frowning".

"I glanced over my shoulder at her, mumbling through a mouth full of cookies, "Well, since I'm gonna get everywhere dirty, I'm moving to the dinning room downstairs."

"Oh come on, why would you do that?!! Instead, you should eat everything here than making a mess everywhere, Lucy said looking furious with me.

You said I was making a mess, I thought the best place to go is the dinning room, I replied.

They've already clean the place, so you going there will be giving them another work to do, Lucy said, still furious.

"You eat too much," Paige said.

Of course I have to eat, can't you see I'm eating for two? I replied her, rubbing my stomach.

How many months is the pregnancy now? Zoe asked.

Close to six months now, Lucy answered for me, "wow" that means remaining three more months to go Zoe and Paige said in union with surprise on their face.

"Laughing I replied, yet it's not showing.

"you guys better hurry. The party starts in two hours and we better get there at least twenty minutes early," I started.

Zoe piped up, "Okay! Hey Kate, can I braid your hair for you? Please?"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, but make it fast."

"Yay!" Zoe squealed. I learnt a new method of doing braids that I think would be adorable on you

I sat down on a chair facing the mirror, beside the window, sitting quietly, I kept my head still as Zoe started making my hair into her desired destination.

"Anna, who have been downstairs the whole time, making arrangements and trying to get hold of the boys in order to know if they were ready, came back upstairs. "The guys are ready to go. We'll meet them at the party."

"Alright, I'm done." Zoe exclaimed. "Come on, look at the mirror."

When I saw my hair, I let out a small gasp.
It was beautiful. Zoe had done a wonderful job braiding my hair."

"It's gorgeous," I said, softly touching it in order not to scatter the braid.

"Do you like it?" Zoe asked.

"I love it! Thank you, Zoe!" I said and she smiled at me going back to take her sit on the bed, and I returned the grin.

"Do you like it Lucy?" Zoe asked with a glance towards Lucy who was still fussing over her makeup.

Lucy replied, "I think it's lovely."

I took my dress and quickly changed. The outfit was really nice. "It was light green top with black leggings," I strapped on the green sandals that I got with the outfit and did a little makeup.

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