CHAPTER NINE: forgiveness

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With shock written all over my face I looked into the very glistening Sky blue eyes that I always dream about.

As his continued to kiss me, it was as if the world narrowed around us so that only Jay and I existed. Only the feel of his lips on mine and his hands on my waist bring me up. His lips was soft, gentle and perfect. I wish time will freeze us like this forever. It was a soft kiss and not rushed.

My inner self knew this was wrong but it felt too good, I just couldn't bring myself to stop the kiss, my inner mind whispered feebly again that I pull away but I did the exact opposite by putting my hands around his neck and pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. My mind took in little details, like how Jay smelled sooo masculine and fresh, like he had just had his bath.

"What the hell?"

We both swung away from each other and I noticed Jeff was in the room.

"It's not what you think" I said looking down, not able to face him cos of the guilt I felt, I have failed him, how could I be so stupid? Knowing I had a boyfriend but here I was kissing another guy and he caught us.

"It not what I think, then explain this, how come my girlfriend is kissing another guy?" he yelled.

"Jeff, you need to calm down, it was I who kissed her" Jay said.

"Even if you kissed her, she didn't protest against it which means she enjoyed it and she didn't try to stop you?!!!" Jeff asked, yelling.

With tear in my eyes for betraying Jeff, I whisper " I'm sorry," I didn't know what came over me."

"I will tell you what came over you, it's because you like Jay, I knew you liked Jay, I always saw the way you looked at him even when he was being mean to you" Jeff said, still yelling!

"Jeff, please give me another chance, I promise, I will be good" I pleaded trying to get to my crutches to get to him.

"I thought I could make you love me, but I was wrong, so I think I'll do what's best for both of us, I'm breaking up with you" he delivered this calmly, way too calmly in fact.

I had totally forgotten that Jay was still in the room until he sighed with relief written all over his face, not hiding his joy at hearing Jeff's words.

"Please don't do this to me, I really do like you"

"I know you do, but it's not as much as you like him" he said pointing towards Jay.

After getting my crutches, I walked up to him indicating Jay should give us some privacy. After Jay left, he continued talking.

" look I'm not only doing this for myself but for you too, I want you to be happy and the only way is for me to let you go"


"Kate, please, it's hard enough to let you go but I think that's the best I can do, cos no matter what happens you will always love him and it pains me to have a girlfriend who blushes and lights up whenever she sees Jay around.

As he said this he hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead "goodbye" he said and headed towards the door, but before he left, Lucy walked in, looking at me with that intense stare she was fond of having this days, she spoke.

"What's going on here? I could hear you guys yelling" looking from me to Jeff.

I was too dejected to talk, " we broke up" he answered.

"what happened?" she asked facing Jeff.

"Ask her" with that he left not waiting for her response.

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