Chapter 3

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They are waiting in the airport now, Eating and chatting while waiting for the plane.

"Eeh!! You said you like this flavor!!". Kota said frowning.

"Yeah, but not now, I want another flavor ". Kei said while pouting.

"Ok Ok, I will buy another one". Kota sighed and go to buy another ice cream with another flavor for her.


After the graduation ceremony, Kei stopped going out, she rarely go out to meet with her friends, but that day, she went out and go to the big tree, she sit under it and take a deep breath, she looked at the sky with a smile.

"It's like I didn't go out for years, Did you miss me big tree? Well I miss you~". Kei giggle.

"Are you really talking to the tree or what?!". Kei turn behind her and saw Kota, he walk closer to her.

"I was talking to the tree". Kei said and Kota tilt his head.

"You...understand the plants or something?!". Kei giggle and shake her head.

"No, I just talk to her when I want". Kei said and Kota sit next to her.

"Ne, Do you want ice cream?!". Kota said as he saw the ice cream car sealing in the road.

"Yeah!". Kei said excited.

"Which flavor you like?!".

"Ummm~ I want Strawberry ! ". Kota nodded and go to buy for her the flavor she want, he sit to eat his ice cream.

"Do you really like Strawberry flavor?! ".

"Un, So Sweeeeeet~". Kei said cutely like a child.

"good, but would you change your flavor someday?! ". Kota said and Kei looked at him.

"Well....It's depends ". Kota tilt his head and Kei just smile to him and eat her favorite ice cream flavor.

*End of FlashBack*

Kota return with him the new ice cream flavor and give it to Kei.

"Kyaaa Arigato~". Kei take it and taste it and smile happily.

"Why Vanilla with Chocolate?! ". Kota asked and Kei smile to him.

"I Just want a new flavor, I had enough with strawberry flavor ". Kei said and eat her ice cream happily.

"Kei~ Eat slowly ~ The ice cream is all over your face". Kota get closer to her and lick her cheek, Kei blushed and looked down.

"D-Don't... Do that in Public!! ". Kei said nervously and he just giggle.

"Hai Hai~ Let's go, it's time for our plane ~". Kota take the bag and hold her hand.

"Ok". She said while her face still red.

It's not the first time, she look at him and smile, he did it many time before too, under the big tree, whenever she eat ice cream he just suddenly lick her cheek and said that he was just cleaning her cheek!! She giggle when she remember the past.

"What?!". Kota ask her and she shake her head.


"Ok then, Take your seat next to the window ". Kota said and She sit then he sit next to her.

"K-Kota! Hold my hand!". Kota did so and hold her hand.

"What?! Are you scared?! ". Kota said and Kei nodded.

"This is my first time after all!! ". Kei said while pouting.

"Oh I remember! You are afraid of the high places desho?!". Kota said and Kei nodded. Kota just start laughing as he remember the past when they were in high school.

Kei was playing with the other kids in the town, she want to hide somewhere but she didn't find a good place, she saw the big tree and climb it without hesitate, after that Kota find her crying up there don't know how to get down.

"Kei? Do you remember when you climb the tree?!". Kota asked and immediately Kei blushed.

"N-No!! Don't Talk about it!!". Kei said nervously.

"Why~~". Kota whined and she pouted.

"J-Just...Like that!".

"Oh! Because you collapsed on me when you jump? Oh! Maybe because when you jump I saw Your pink----".

"Uwaaaaaaah Stop Stop Stop Stoooooop!!". Kei shout shyly as she keep hitting his arm.

"Ok Ok! I will Stop So Stop You Too!! Look!". Kota point at the small window, Kei widened her eyes in amazement.

"When...did we fly?!". Kei asked and Kota smiled.

"I was talking to you and you didn't realize it~". Kei smile and look out of the window.

The view was so great, She was able to see the clouds from the earth but she can see it more clearly from the air, her scared side gone away and keep looking out there, she didn't even realize that Kota was staring at her with a smile....

To be Continue ~...

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