Chapter 7

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Few days passed and the vacation ended and they finally return home, Kei was asleep when her phone rang, she take it to answer without looking at the caller's name.

"Yes?~". She answered slowly.


"KYAAAAAAAAAA!". She scream and look at the watch it was already 9 and the meeting will start few minute later.

"OH MY I WILL COME SOON!!". She hung up and look next to her.

"KOTA YOU STILL HERE TOO?!!!". She shout when she saw Kota sleeping next her, She Kiss him fast and he wake up.

"Mou~ Wha------".

"WAKE UP! YOU NEED TO GO TO YOUR WORK!". Kota blinked his eyes and screamed when he saw the time.

"It's Your Fault! I Told You We Have To Stop And Sleep Early But You Didn't Listen To Me!". Kei said and slammed the door closed, Kota sighed and Smile.

"Who will resist your cuteness~".

"ITTIKIMASU!!". Kei Leave the bathroom and Kota blinked his eyes.

".....She really like to do everything in the bathroom, makeup, changing her clothes, perfume, her hair----OI WHERE IS MY GOODBYE KISS!!". Kota shout but Kei already leave to her work.


Few days passed like this, work work work, When Kei return home she start cleaning and making lunch and dinner for Kota, at night they just hug each other to sleep, Until one day, Kei hold her phone and close the alarm, she wake up and find Kota fixing his hair.

"Ohayo Honey, I didn't want to wake you up just yet, your work start late today desho??". Kota kiss her forehead and she nodded.

"Yeah, do you need breakfast??".

"That will be nice".

She get up and walk to the bathroom to wash herself before hiding to the kitchen, but she couldn't walk properly and sit on the sofa, Kota walk out from their room and saw her holding her head.

"Honey? Are you ok?". He sit next to her and asked but she shake her head.

"I feel heavy". Kota frowned when he saw her face, she wasn't pale few minutes ago.

"Maybe you didn't eat anything". She shake her head slowly.

"I...I Can't, I don't feel like it".

"But you can't stay like this, do you need anything?".

"I need to make you something before you go".

She stand up but she suddenly feel dizzy and lose her conscious, lucky Kota catch her fast and lay her on the sofa, He panicked and rushed to bring her big coat and put it on her before he carry her to the car, he speed up to the hospital and call the doctor to check on her.

After few minutes the doctor leave the room and Kota stand in front of him.

"How is she? She is Not sick right? She won't die Right?". 

Kota ask him worriedly and the doctor just order him to follow him, when they enter the office the doctor look at some papers seriously and make Kota more worried.

"Doctor please, how is my wife? If it's serious please tell me".

"Oh Sorry, She is fine, she is pregnant, congratulations". Kota blinked his eyes.

"Really? in which Month??".

"She is only One Month and half, she will complete the second few days later". Kota look at the doctor with no emotions, he was thinking of a lot of things.

"You can go and see her now, but she will leave the hospital tomorrow because she didn't eat well and that make her body weak". Kota nodded slowly and bowed to him.


He enter the room and look at his sleepy wife, he sit near her bed and hold her hand.

"Honey...This is a joke right?".

He look at her pale face and bite his lips.


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