Chapter 6

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Kei wake up and saw Kota sleeping next to her, she sighed as he was hugging her tightly.

"Kou~ Move Away~". She said as she tried to move his arms away from her.

"Noo~". He whined.

"God, I'm tired already, I need to go and take a bath". She said and Kota open his eyes.

"Should I------".

"No Thank You! You Didn't Let Me Rest Last Night! Round After Round! You Won't Let Me Rest if I Let You Enter With Me!". She said annoyingly and Kota take away his arms but he get on top of her.

"But you like it right?". Kei blush but push him away.

"Yeah so what? Move".

Kei get up and walk to the bathroom, Kota just lay on the bed and close his eyes to sleep again. When Kei get out and see him sleeping, she sighed and walk to him.

"Kota wake up already~ I Want to go and see the place~". She whined and he didn't wake up.


She shake him but he turn the other way and continue sleeping. Kei sighed and suddenly remembered something he told her one day.


"Kota? Why are you sleeping under the big tree?? It's so hot".


"Koooootaaaaa~". Kei shout his name and he turn the other side.

"Mou~ You really a heavy sleepy head". Kei pouted and sit next to him, she waited until he wake up by his own.

"Finally You Wake Up!". She said almost shouting.

"Why didn't you wake me them??".

"I Tried! But You Didn't Wake Up At All!".

"Sorry about that, when I am tired I can't get up so easily". Kota sit next to Kei who sighed.

"How do they wake you up then??". Right? How do his parents wake him up when he is asleep?.

"Well, they never do, they just wait for me to wake up". Kota laughed and Kei look at him with a pout.

"So boring~".

"But there is one way to wake me up".

"How??". Kota look at her with a smile and touch her lips with his fingers.

"This". Kei slap his hand away.

"What's the meaning of that?". Kota laughed and wink for her.

"Figure it out yourself".

*End of Flashback*

Kei touch her lips and look at him.

"Could It be....".

She get closer and kiss his lips, Kota whined and pull her closer to deepned the kiss.

"MOU! LET ME GO!". Kei push him away and he laugh.

"You know how to wake me up now ne~". He said and hug her.

"You are away now so get to the bathroom hurry". She said and Kota let her go.

"Hai Hai~".

Kei sit on the bed and take a deep breath and release it.

"It's Like My First Kiss! Baka!".


They leave to see the view and have fun in the beach, it's almost dinner time, and Kei was so hungry because she didn't eat that much at lunch time.

"Kei eat slowly". Kota commented as he see his wife eating in hurry.

"I'm so hungry!".

"The food won't run away".

"it is! I Want More". Kota frowned.


"Yes More".


"You Don't Want to eat it's up to you, we have around at night desho? I have to be with my full strength". Kota blushed and look around the restaurant to see if there is someone hear what just she said.

"No We Don't! I Will Give You A Rest Tonight". He said and Kei smile to him.

"Thank You~ Now can You Please Order Another Plat?". Kota sighed and order what she want.


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