Chapter 8

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After few hours later, Kei opened her eyes and look around, she didn't see anyone so she sit and felt dizzy a little, the door opened and Kota enter.

"You Finally Awake! I Need The Answer Now!". Kota said firmly and sit in front of her.

"Answer?! What answer? And Why The Hell Are You Talking To Me Like This?!". Kei frowned.

"You Love me right?!".

"Of Course!".

"Then Who is The Father Of The Child in Your Womb Now?!". Kei widened her eyes.

"WHAT?!". She said almost shouting but Kota look at her sharply.

"So you know that I am pregnant now~". She pouted and he looked at her.

"You...Hide it from me?!". Kota said slowly.

"I wanted to tell you in the right time but...Well, you know now~". She hug him but he take her hands and push her away, he look at her seriously.

"You Are Pregnant!! For One Month And Half Kei!! How Can That Be Possible?! I Always Use a Protection Whenever We Do it!". Kota said almost shouting and Kei pouted.

"Are You Saying That I Am Cheating On You?!". She said firmly and he bite his lower lip.


"Kou, we are married for almost one year now, And It Wasn't Our First Time in The Honeymoon! Of Course I Will Get Pregnant!". Kei said and Kota look at her.

"But...When?! How?!".

"You don't remember it, because we did it when you were drunk". Kei said and Kota widened his eyes.

"W-WHAT?!! HOW?!! WHEN?!!". He shout and Kei sighed.

"It was when you went with your team to celebrate your succeed project, you return drunk and attack me~". Kota hold his head.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? TH-THE NEXT DAY TOO!!". Kota said and Kei just smile to him awkwardly.

"Well...Yeah, Sorry, I couldn't ruin the moment~ So I just go with the flow~". Kei said and Kota sighed heavily.

"Why didn't you tell me to stop in our honeymoon? You Know That It May Make You Hurts!! It Was Dangerous!!". Kota said worriedly.

"I didn't want to ruin your fun, well...I wanted you too so I just let you do what you want". Kei said with a smile, Kota hugged her tightly.

"You Baka, but....Sorry Honey, for suspecting you". Kei shake her head.

"It's ok, but you have to know that You are the only one for me Kou-chan~". Kota look at her and smile.

"You too Honey".


Kota was so careful with his wife, he did all what she want without complaining, and she take that as a chance so she can order what she couldn't order before.

"Kou~ I Want To Go Out!". Kei said cutely yet shouting.

"But Honey---".

"No BUT!! I WANT TO GO OUT!!". Kei shout at him.

"OK Ok! Where do you want to go?!". Kota give up.

"Of course to our tree-san~". Kei said cutely and Kota sighed.

"OK, Let's go".

They go to their most favorite place, the big tree. And Kei take a a deep breath and release it. Kota look at her with a smile.

"Let's sit under it". Kota hold her hands and help her to sit.

"Mou~ We can't enter like we use to when we were young ~". Kei whined and pouted, Kota laugh at her.

"I said under it, I didn't mean we will enter the cavity".

Kota said and make her pout more. They sit under the tree where is the shadow to avoid the sun light. After seconds, Kei start laughing and Kota look at her.


"I just remember something in the past".

"What is it?!". Kota asked and she giggle.

"This big tree....don't you remember what I said? If I give birth to a baby?". Kei said and Kota giggle when he remember.


*Flashback *

"When I give birth to a baby, a boy or a girl I will named him or her OkinaKi~". Kei said and Kota who was sitting next to her look at her blankly.

"And why this name?!".

"It's mean big tree~ I LOVE This Big Tree So Much!! It's so huge and strong~ And her shadow is just so perfect to sit under it~ Also the fresh air around it is so cool and make you relax and refreshed~". Kei said happily and Kota shake his head.

"No way I will let you named him or her that". Kota said coldly.

"Eeh? You Have Nothing To Do With That, it Will Be My Baby Not Yours!! ". Kei said annoyingly.

"It Will Be Also My Child!!". Kota shout and make her stunned.

"W-What?!". Kei look at him blankly and he get closer to her until there is only one inch between their faces.

"....I Will Marry you one day, remember that". Kota said whispering coldly and make her blush.

*End of flashback*

"I Was Serious ~". Kei whined and Kota laugh.

"Kei, I know you love this tree so much but...Okinaki is Too Much! Hahaha I Can't imagine Our Son Or Daughter Name Like That!!". Kota said and make her pout.

"Well You---Ahh!". Kei suddenly gasped and hold her almost big tummy.

"H-Honey are you Ok?!". Kota ask her worriedly, it's almost her month to give birth but.....

"...Nothing serious, he is just playing". Kei take a breath and release it.

"Really?!". He asked full of worried but She nodded with a smile.

"He is He?! I mean...are you sure is He? Because you didn't want from the doctor to tell you the gender of the baby last time we go to check?! ". Kota said and she smile.

"I can feel it, he is a boy and you will see it".

Kota just smile and nodded for her.


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