CH 3: Guardian

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I yawned as my eyes fluttered open to a bright white sun. I had slept very deeply that night, my legs were a very sore and ached but I ignored it. I expected that to happen after all the running I had done the day before. I remembered that Snake was still in my pocket and reached in to see if I could grab him but I couldn't feel anything other than the pen and paper.

'Huh?' I inverted the pocket to make sure he for sure wasn't in it. Frantically, I patted down my other pocket to see if he had maybe crawled in to that one, but it was empty.

"Snake?" I called, but he didn't pop up. "Snake!" I called again. I sighed. All good things had to come to an end, right?

I stood up and, with my head hung low with disappointment, slowly began to walk away. That's when I heard rustling coming from in front of me. "Snake?" I asked, staring at the spot where I heard the noise from.

Snake came slithering out from under some leaves and looked up at me. His head was stained with fresh blood.

'Ew' I closed my eyes from the sight because the sight made me feel sick. "So, you went to get something to eat?" I opened my eyes slowly. 'He's got to eat something I guess...'

I picked him up noticing that he was a bit bigger than he was before, he looked a lot different too. He had what looked like very small arms curled against his body and no eyes. 'I knew I wasn't just seeing that yesterday! He really doesn't have eyes'

Snake made a hissing sound as he slithered back into my pocket. 'Why does he have arms if he's a snake? It has to be a birth thing like some babies born with 6 fingers... yeah that's probably it. Just like his eyes. Poor little guy was just left out here.' I heard my stomach growl and I whimpered. It was really starting to hurt, I hadn't eaten for over twenty-four hours now.

"I should get some food too." I looked around. "Now the only question is, where do I go to get it?"

That's when Snake slithered up and wrapped around my arm. His head was on my shoulder and he was looking to the side. "What?" I asked him, as he made another hissing sound. "You want me to go that way?"

He nodded slightly and I began to walk in the direction he 'told' me to go. The more I walked the more my stomach growled, so much that I clutched my belly as I walked. Snake noticed and rubbed his head against mine, it felt more like he was pushing me but regardless it was cute. I smiled at him and tried not to look like I hurt as much.

I walked for a very long time. My legs continued to ache and I knew I would eventually have to take a break. In the distance I saw what looked like a shack. There was green paneling that made it camouflage with the surrounding trees and what looked like a brown door. As I approached it I realized it was a cabin rather than a shack.

I gasped, overwhelming excitement filling me and immediately ran to the door. I knocked on it to see if anyone was home. 'I should just walk in, they might be dead by the Xenomorphs anyway' I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I let go of the handle and let the door hit the wall on the inside.

"Hello?" I called. "I've been out in the woods and I need some food." No one answered. I looked at Snake and shrugged. "Guess no one's home." I peered around the corner of the kitchen and walked in, it looked clean for the most part. I rushed to the fridge and opened it. The first thing I noticed was that it wasn't cold. 'Is the power out?'

There wasn't much there, the people that used to live here had grabbed most of the food and probably took off when they heard about the Xenomorphs. There was a milk jug that was a week expired and a few moldy fruits and vegetables. There was a small jar of dill pickles that didn't look bad so I took it.

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