CH 4: Snake's Surprise

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Snake and I were doing well, having walked for about three or four hours. My legs were now numb, I preferred that other the pain and aching that the constant walking caused them.

Snake was leading me back toward the city, or at least that is what I think he has been doing. More and more we started to stumble across dirt roads and small cabins or shacks built within the forest. Eventually I could see the giant lake in the distance and the surroundings began to look familiar.

"Can you swim?" I asked Snake.

He looked at me and did a very slight nod then pointed his head back to the direction he wanted me to go. I obeyed and walked the way he wanted me to.

I smiled once we made it to the edge of the forest and walked across a large field. It was definitely my city; I could see all the military vehicles still spread out among the streets and all the tall buildings. My parents used to work in one of those buildings.

The memories tried to enter my head, but I shook them out. I ignored the military vehicles, bodies and buildings around me and continued to go where Snake told me to go. The smell was awful. Burned flesh, gas and some pungent smell I had never smelled before. I pinched my nose and hurried to get out of the area.

It was still extremely quiet. It bugged me, but Snake seemed calm so I tried to be like him. "Snake, where are we going anyway?" I asked, looking at him. He kept his head forward and made a low hiss, almost like he thought that it was a stupid question to ask.

'Well it kind of was a stupid question... He can't even talk...' I sighed "Sorry."

I walked past a bunch of human corpses and tried not to look at them. I lowered my head and stared at my feet until I heard Snake growl. I ignored him at first and continued to walk, I still covered my nose to stop the smells.

Snake growled again, louder this time. "What?" I asked him before looking up and seeing two Xenomorphs crawling around the buildings ahead. I let go of my nose and covered my mouth to stop myself from gasping

The Xenomorphs noticed one another and ran over to each other, both making loud growls as the did so. It was strange. One seemed to be crawling on all fours while the other stood upright, back hunched over and tail sliding along the concrete road.

I ran to the side of a nearby building before they noticed me. I crouched and glanced around the corner. "What do we do?" I whispered, hoping Snake would somehow get us out of this problem again.

Snake slithered down my arm and out into the middle of the road, I was about to run and stop him but was scared they would see me. Snake screeched and the two Xenomorphs came running to him, they stared down at him and hissed.

I sat there completely confused at the sight. A little snake talking to two massive fully grown Xenomorphs that were listening to it. Snake growled a few times and the Xenomorphs turned around to leave. The one that was crawling sped off quickly while the standing paused for a moment.

Sssssss. The sound that came out of its throat was enough to send chills down my spine. The Xenomorph then followed the crawling one and eventually they both ran out of sight. That was when I noticed something about Snake, he had darkened in colour. He was a pale colour when I had first found him but now, he was starting to turn grey.

Snake slithered back to me and up my arm. "You are one very magical Snake." I took time to admire his now darker skin, scanning him from his head to his tail. 'Maybe he's going to shed soon? Snakes do that right?'

I decided to wait another few minutes before getting back up on my feet. 'Are snakes able to talk to the Xenomorphs? Or maybe they're also reptiles. Weird.'

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