Chapter 20

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"And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now"

When I woke up, an amazing smell grab my nose and makes me follow it from the living room to the kitchen.

"Oh God, what are you doing Harry? It smells like heaven in here" Harry is shirtless and his hair in a bun. He gave me his charming smile and keeps doing the breakfast.

"I didn't know that you are able to cook" and I take a piece of waffle while he is not looking in my direction.

"You don't know a lot of things about me" and after a couple of seconds of silence he added "and stop eating, it is not ready yet"

"You are not my mom" and I took the entire plate of waffles, heading to living room.

"Come back here.." but of course I didn't listen him. From walking I start running searching in the same time a place to hide. When I was near his bedroom, I don't know how, but he appears in front of me. I let out a short scream and start running in the opposite direction being in the same time so concentrate to not fall with all this waffles. Oh my God its smell like vanilla and I can't stop to eat another one because I hear Harry s steps more and more closer to me. In the living room I tried to jump over the couch, to reach faster the bathroom door and lock behind me but I failed because Harry catch me and didn't let me have the plate again.

"Goddammit I am so tired." Harry said. I keep laughing thinking how can I eat all the waffles by myself.

He let the plate on the table in the kitchen, and I take this as an advantage for me so I came from the living room, running but when I enter in the kitchen I sliped and I was at a second away to fall so hard, but Harry catch me by my waist falling on top on me but protect my body of a hurting fall. His face is so close to me that I can smell his mint breath. I almost feel his lips kissing mine, but that's only my imagination. He is looking in my eyes, saying nothing, but this silence between us is not pathetic but powerfull, making my body shaking and my heart beating like crazy.

"We should....I need to..." he is trying to create an excuse. Of course.

"Of course, sorry" and I gave him a small smile. The truth is that I want to kiss him, I want so badly to be his and the fact that I fall in love with him more and more every day knowing in the same time that he didn't likes me, makes me suffer.


The breakfast was a silent one. Maybe the tension from earlier situation is still between us.


"Do you mind if you will come with me to pack all the stuff from Aria's house?"

"Are you moving?" He stopped eating and wait an answer.


"But you don't need to-"

"YES, I need to move. I can't stay there anymore"

"But you told me Aria is your best friend, you told me that right?"

"Yes I said that but she doesn't think the same thing about me"

"Bullshit, she loves you, she told me that you are an amazing friend, and that you understand her and listen her problems...and-"

"Harry" and I gathered all the courage I have and grabbed his hand in mine.  The reason I have all this bruises on my body is because I told Aria the truth"




"...and the reason I told Aria the truth about his stupid boyfriend is that when she prepared herself to go at that party I saw bruises on her body"




Harry is blocked. He keeps staring at me but he is not capable to say something.

"...Dylan phissicaly abuse Aria and she remain in this fucked up relationship because she loves him and also she believes that is her fault everytime when he abuse her."

"Harry, Aria believe that she did something wrong and accept the pain every fucking single time."

Silence and Silence

"Harry I know is hard for you to-" he start screaming and swearing..I never saw him like that. He take a plate on the table and throw it against the wall making me jump a little. I know he will not hurt me but ...

He left the kitchen and I remained to clean all this mess. In a minute after he left the room, I hear the front door closing. He left me alone.

I don't know if he goes at his cousin or he wanted to take fresh air, to clear his mind but I know for sure that I am going alone at Aria. I just hope that nobody is there.

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