Chapter 55

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We stayed the entire day at home. He told me that is having some things to solve and lock himself in his office. I am alone in the living room.

I heard nothing from Tom from a while, I miss him so much. 

The day after tomorrow is the funeral and Harry prepared nothing. I do not know what to do..everybody is calling me and I do not want to talk. Julia is sending me messages asking me how I is Harry.

"Harry can I come in?" And I knock at his office door.I heard nothing from the other side.

"Harry are you ok?" I am trying to enter but the door is locked.


"Harry please, you are fucking scare me."

"Fuck off Irina"

"Just please let me in"

"I said fuck off..Jesus..." and he opened the door looking directly in my eyes. He is pissed. His mood changed at 180 degree than was last night.


"Could you leave me alone?  I have things to do and you are so annoying. What should I do to let me the fucking A L O N E"

"You have changed"

"No shit..I need you to remember  what happened a few hours ago?"


"But what? What?" And he put his hand on my shoulders shaking me.

"I thought that you do not hate me"

"Change of plans. It is your fucking fault for what happened. If it was not you and your stupid surprise party...nothing happened."

I am speechless, I..I really don't know what to say. He is another man. He push me away to close the door making me fall on my knees. I think I am gonna vomit. I run to the bathroom because, indeed I am feeling sick. I stayed for a while there thinking of what should I do next. All the thoughts came into my mind again and again. It is impossible to stand up, my body it is so weak that I am not able to move.  I cannot cry anymore, the tears have dried up, my head is hurting me like hell.
With all the strength I still have, I headed to my bedroom. I locked the door, scared of Harry behavior and somehow I fell asleep. Before this, I set my phone on silent.

After a while I start hearing noises. Am I dreaming or someone is fighting? I cover my head with the pillow and tried to fell asleep again. It is so good to forget all the pain through sleeping.

"Irina are you in there?" Followed by a lot of knocks.

"You are such an idiot Harry Styles" I think beside Julia, here is Louis and Zayn too.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down will solve nothing behaving like this."

"Fuck off and fuck all of you. It is just her fucking fault. My cousin is dead because of her stupid ideas. It is incredible how all of you protect her when she is guilty for Aria's death."

After that, I heard someone's punch another person. That is a bullshit, everybody should stop right know. I am trying to get out of the bed, but I am feeling dizzy. 'Maybe because of how tired I am' I told myself. I am approaching to the mirror and I am shocked. I think I am having an alergic reaction. My face swelled and I am feeling the tongue, the same. Soon it will be impossible for me to breath. Maybe is better this way.

"Irina, please open this fucking door, please."

I indeed opened the door, having in my hand something to administrate directly in my veins, to accelerate the remedy of this reaction.

Everybody stopped and is looking at me. They are shocked,  because nobody saw me in this situation.

"I think I am having an alergic react-" and I faint.

"We need to help her" I heard people talking as in a dream.

"But how, what we need to do?"

"She said something about an allergy right?" Zayn said.

"Yes you idiots,  she has also something in her hands, we need to administrate that to her." I heard Julie said.

"Her is changed" Zayn seems to be shocked.

"Yeah Sherlock, because of this allergy. The problem is that it is possible to swollen her tongue. In that moment she could not breath." I heard Julia, while is helping me with the cure.

"It is just your fucking fault. You son of a bitch. I was sure that you will make her suffer, and she still remain beside you, and care about you. " But I heard nothing from Harry. Maybe Zayn punch him so bad that he cannot talk, or maybe this is what he wanted and is looking at me happy to see me in this situation.

Someone took me from the place I faint and slowly put me in the bed.

"Baby wake up please" I opened the eyes, feeling how the room is spinning. I quick close my eyes and put my hand on my temple. I am feeling my head about to explode of pain.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, sorry for making you guys feeling worried. "

"We are worried. For how many hours did you not eat? When you slept last time? Your body is tired. Don't make a stupid thing, please take care of you."

"I cannot anymore Julia, the night when Aria died...I start seeing this scene with my eyes wide opened. Not to say that when I am closing my eyes..."

"I know it is hard.."

"You do not know, none of you knows..." I sigh "I never asked for this..I never wanted to saw Harry in this situation..the nightmare from me, is transfered in reality. I cannot sleep. I cannot eat. All I wanna do is die. Maybe is the only situation where I cannot feel my broken heart. My body is hurting me like hell. My head, I think is gonna explode in any minute. Is better for you guys to leave. Maybe if I return in România...everybody will be happy."

Seems that in the room with me and Julie is Zayn and Louis. They are looking worried at me.

"You don't need to leave us. All you need is to change the place. To move from this house." I heard Zayn.

"Tom?" Julie said.

"He is not in town. But you are right. When he will be back we will talk."

"Good, until then, you are free to move at our house." Julie told me. Louis approved with a smile.

"Guys you are amazing but I cannot..I do not wanna be the third wheel" and I gave them a small smile.

"You are not..Come on.."

"No..If I can not stay here anymore..until Tom will be home I will find a solution. Don't worry." And Julie hold my hand.

"Move in my house then" I heard Zayn. "You will not be the third wheel." And he start laughing.

"You are amazing Zayn. I will see"

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