Chapter 76

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I woke up with Harry next to me.  He is awake, reading a book. All the nights spent in hospital are so careless, the medicine administrated making me feel less worried, as nothing happened. I am really not aware of all the suffering I have been through. 

"Hey sleepy, how are you today?" Harry put the book away coming with the chair near me.

"I am ok, I guess" I smile to him.

"I understood"

"Harry did you even slept last night? Please go home and take a break from this situation. I am ok, I am not going anywhere else and the doctors will take care of me. Please, seeing you like that it makes me feel bad and guilty."

"Hey, it is my choice. You don't need to feel in any way. I want to stay here, with you, it makes me happy, then staying at home, alone, worried."


"No but, this is what I want. I will go home today for a couple of minutes, just to change my clothes and take a shower."

"And eat something, this is not a healthier behavior. You are starving yourself. Just do it for me"

"I will try, for you" and his smile makes me forget all the bad things that are leaving in my mind right now.

Harry stayed an hour with me and after that he prepared himself to go home.

"I will be back soon, alright?" And he just hold my hand tight in his and nothing more. He understood that the small closure between me and everyone else is, the more affected I  am.

"Go home and have some sleep, I will be ok"

"See you soon"

And he left. Even if I was brave enough to convince him to spend time at home, when I realized that I will be alone for a while I was afraid. I almost forgot this feeling, but it was always there, waiting the perfect moment to come at surface, terrifying me.

I guess at five minutes since he left, the door opened, letting me see the doctor. The unusual thing from today's visit is that this time, he has the mouth cover by that usual mask that doctors have and also, he slowly closed the door and looked it after him.

I said nothing, but the fear feeling makes my heart beat so fast, letting me think at the worst scenarios.

He's looking in my eyes while he is slowly approaching. Seeing him, I realized that something is wrong, also I could distinguish something that looks like a gun hide under his shirt.

Ok, fuck I need to press that button to call the nurse or something.  They will realize that something is wrong when they will see that the door is locked. 

"Did you miss me?" And he let me see his face, realizing that it's the one that killed Aria.

"The doctors will call the cops.."

"Please, you will be fucking dead at that time." And his pervert smile appeared at his face.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Really bitch, how dare you to ask me this shit, I promised you that I will kill you if  your big mouth will talk."

"Please, you can run before the police- "

He then pressed his hands around my neck, letting me breath less and less air. "Whore, you killed Dylan and you will pay the price."

Even if I am trying to realise my neck from his hands, I am miserable failing. I  am trying everything, but my arm is fucking killing me because of pain and with the other hand it is impossible to hurt him. But then something happened. We heard the door.

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