Chapter 74

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In less than 20 minutes the doctor's colleagues came and start disconnected Irina from all the devices. Harry is stressed that something could go wrong, but the doctors assure him that everything will gonna be alright, as Irina's reaction to all the medication, is a positive one.

"All we need to do right now is waiting" The doctor said.

"Wait for what? Why she doesn't woke up?" Harry start being panicked.

"She will not open her eyes in second, you need patience. Harry, it will be ok" Ryan said, assuring him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I cannot wait anymore"

"I know, but nothing else could be done right now"

Impatient for the result of this disconnection, Harry is sitting on the chair near Irina's bed, watching her carefully. What if she cannot breath anymore, or she will have another crisis? Harry is trying to avoid all the negative thoughts, but is failing.  The only image he has in his mind is the one cut from his nightmare. He checked the phone, a lot of missed calls and messages, he just quickly sent a message to the boys, letting them know the news and delete the missed calls from her mother. He knows that will gonna have problems with his parents, that his dad will threatening him again using all the methods he knew to affect Harry. Harry refuse to think about this, because Irina is more important than this shit.

"When you get older, plainer, saner
When you remember all the danger we came from
Burning like embers, falling, tender
Long before the days of no surrender
Years ago and well you know  

  Smoke 'em if you got 'em
'Cause it's going down
All I ever wanted was you
I'll never get to heaven
'Cause I don't know how "

Harry slowly sing those lyrics hoping that Irina will positively react to them. 

"Please wake up, is all I want, nothing more. To see your beautiful eyes baby"

He is staying near her bed with his eyes closed while one of his hands is resting on the bed. He missed her so fucking much. Harry is now realizing how happy his life was with Irina in it. 

"Your voice still sounds amazing" Harry heard a whispered voice. He opened his eyes and saw her eyes. They are so sad, but so beautiful in the same time. He cannot say a thing, he tried, but his mouth remain opened and on his face appeared a couple of tears.

"Can you sing me again?" but Harry cannot. 

"Uhm-" and he left the room to announce the doctor.

Ryan came with his usual smile. 

"Welcome in the real world" and he smile to her. "Glad you woke up, this man was very impatient" and he winked, while Harry is still shocked.

"Can I get some water please?" Irina asked a little confused by Harry.

"Of course" and the doctor helped her drink a sip of water. Trying to move from the place she was, so she can drink the water she start feeling the pain. She said nothing, but on her face the pain can be read. Harry stand up, hoping that he could help her somehow, but he freeze in the same place watching carefully the doctor. 

"I will come back in a couple of hours. Just to assure that everything is alright" he smiled and left.

Irina tried to move a little to the right, but the pain made her stop in a uncomfortable position. 

"Harry, can you help me please?" He came near her and slowly place her in a better position. He said nothing, just looked at her.

"Are you still hating me Harry?" her whispered voice is break Harry's heart, because in her voice you could feel sadness, disappointment, pain and hate. 

"Of course not. I am sorry for my stupid reaction, but I thought that I will lose you.." and he gave her a little smile.

"Impossible. I am still the annoying person that will ruin your life" and she smile to him, putting her hand in his.

"I am so sorry Irina, for everything"

"I am so sorry Harry, for lying to you"

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