Chapter 22

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It's passed almost a week since I moved in Harry's house and all I did is sleeping, eating and repeat the actions. It's hard for me to accept that even if I moved here for a happy life I am sad and dissapointed. It's not how I wanted to be. I have no friends, I have no social life, I have no job or personal life. All I have in this moment is a room from Harry's house, the boy who made me fall in love with him. Yeah, I don't know how and the reason I start loving him, Harry does not behave nice with me but my heart was hipnotised by all his beautiful features, by his touches and by those rare moments when he was a different person and treated me like he has the same feelings as me. Tuesday he showed up with a girl. A beautiful one, as always, tall with curves and perfect smile. Of course they had sex, her screams were heard by entire neighbourhood, not just by me. Last night he came with another one, so beautiful, damn, if I were a boy I think I fucked her too. As wednesday morning, the girl left the house trying to convince Harry to meet her again. He doesn't want this, he doesn't want to be attached by a single women because this situation compels him to fuck just her. He must be careful if he wants to have sex with other women, so it is to complicated when it is crystal clear that he can have what female he wants making a simple gesture, like smiling.

In all these days he doesn't comes at me to see how I am feeling, he just completely ignored me. I miss him, he is all day gone, God knows where and when he returns he is even tired, even accompanied by a beautiful.

Even if in all this five days I applied to various companies for a job as a photographer, I received nothing in return from them. Not even a call to tell me that I am not good enough at what I wanted to do.

Wednesday, Julie called me, a little worried, because she heard nothing from me since that stupid incident. Also she said that she can't wait to meet me at a coffee to discuss many stupid things. I like her, but I should trust again another person? But Louis, her boyfriend is not as Dylan at all, so I can give her a chance. But not now. Now I am not ready. Now I am depressed because all the things are upside down. Nothing works well for me. It is like I am followed by bad luck. I promise Julie that Monday I will call her. Niall calls me to, but I didn't responded to him. He will start questioning me, because I know for sure that he know I am not leaving with Aria anymore. After he calls me three times he sent me a message to tell me that he wanted to talk to me, because is worried of what was the reason I left Aria's house. I sent him a message to ensure him that I am alright and that for the moment I am not able to talk, but we will meet next week. Second later I have received a message "You don't know how happy I am that you are ok. I miss you so much. Be careful. I can't wait to see ya' " Oh Niall, why Harry can't be like you? That's it, I need to fix this situation by myself. It is not healthy for me to think every day, every minute at him. I have to find a job. Something to do, because I need distraction from my feelings for Harry.

It is 9 in the morning, it is Friday and I have no plans. I think this will be another day spent in bed searching multiple jobs and trying to not think of what happened a couple of days ago. I miss Aria, she always made me laugh.
I was awakened from my thoughts by my phone ringtone. My parents. I haven't talk to them for a while.

"Young lady, what are you doing, you promised that we will talk more often but it seems that you disagree with us."

"Mom, Dad, oh my God I missed you so much guys. I am so sorry, so much things happened since the last time we talked. I am so so so sorry"

"Things like what?"

"Things like, not important things, but a lot. For example I finally get a job, I am photographer at a magazine, it is my first week there. Also I made a lot of friends. Everything is awesome, you don't have to worry about me. I am more than happy that I moved here."

After another minutes of talk I hang up, feeling bad as fuck that I lied my parents. I know I shouldn't do that but is ok for them to know me happy, safe and healthy, then sad, in danger and sick. Right? Oh God I just hope I did the right thing. If they will find that here is not as I dreamed, they will send me tickets for Romania in the next seconds and I don't want that. I still hope that the things will be improved.

I miss them so much. Everything hurts like hell lately.

"Iri, are you in there? Can I come in?" I heard Harry for the first time this week.

"Yes Harry, is your house anyway" I said the last part slowly just for me to hear.

"I heard that, it's not nice" I didn't said a thing. I just stay on the edge of the bed staring at him.

"Come on, change your clothes, I want to show you something. You need to leave the house, to take some air. I cannot believe you stayed here the entire week. "

"mhm, so what?" It is all I could say.

"So what? come on babe, move your ass, we are running out of time"

"Where are we going Harry?"

"Too complicated to explain. You will see. I just hope you are an adrenaline fan"


We drove about 40 minutes.

"Are you ready?"

"I think I am" and I gave him a shy smile.

"Drifting paradise" and in front of me appears a lot of drift cars.

"So, my hobby is drifting. I have a car and I drift whenever I want. Today are so many cars here because they prepared for next month contest. I will be there too"

"Do you participate too?"


"A lot" I am so excited.

"Come on, today you will be my co-pilot"


"Of course"

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