To Be Noticed(Chapter 6)-Secrets

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A/N: Shays picture is on the side, or in the detail part. I do not own this photo.

Jacobs POV:

*Dream mode*

I woke up and looked around...No Shay, that's strange I wonder where she is? I get up from my bed and throw on some sweats. Still shirtless, I head to the bathroom wash my face and brush my teeth. As I was brushing I could smell something absolutely Divine, I wonder what Shay's cooking? When I finished up in the bathroom just for fun I slide down the banister sideways. I land on my feet facing the stairs...

"Your a little old for that now aren't you?" I turned around really slowly. That voice does NOT belong to Shay.

*OMGOSH* I had to blink a few times because infront of me was my all time crush The Santo...with just a freakin apron on and a spatula in hand.

"Well come on! Your breakfast is ready, do you need me to use this?" He asked pointing the spatula at me in a teasing manner. He was just about to turn around when...

*Exit Dream mode*

That dream keeps on replaying in my head and I'm hating the fact that it got cut off at the good part. Its not the first time I've had this same dream either but what annoys me is the fact that it never progresses. I would love to see that view when he turns around. But no...


6:30 Ugh! Looks like its time to get ready for school. I go to the bathroom to do the necessary, once I step out of the shower I brush my teeth. What to wear today? I head out of the bathroom and stand in front of my wardrobe for abit until I've made my decision. I grab a random black T-shirt, black skinny's, put on my red converse and to finish my look off I tie my hair into a puff pony. I look in the mirror...Yep still lookin sexy as ever.

"You checkin yo self out in the mirror again Jacob? How many times I gotta tell you that yo face ain't goin nowhere?" I turn around and Shay's sitting up in bed just laughing at me.

"I was checking to see if my face was bruised, coz the amount of times you slapped me in the face while asleep is ridiculous!" I say quickly to cover up the fact that I was in-fact being a little vain.

"Good comeback but we both know you was just admiring your own face." Shay replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Stop talking and get dressed, yo ass is gonna be late for school and if you think im gonna wait on you, well you have another thing coming chica!"

"Right, right I heard you." She waves her hand at me, gets up and heads to her draw where she keeps her stuff when she's at mine. "Imma be in the bathroom, wont be long."

"You always say that, your the reason the alarm is so damn early. What do I look like getting up at half 6 in the freakin morning!?" I scoffed joking with her.

"Migga, please." And she shut the bathroom door...

I go down stairs and poor myself some cereal, I ain't got time for making stuff and besides, by the time Shay is finished in the bathroom the food will would be cold so I don't even bother.

"JACOB! Can I borrow your red scrunchy!? My hairs being a bitch!" Gosh does she need to shout? Its only us in the house, Jennifer doesn't come home from work for another hour.

"Yeah sure, go ahead!" I finish up my breakfast and wash my bowl (Sister's a neat freak remember?)

Shay comes bounding down the stairs in a black smiley crop top, those camo skinny jeans she got from hot topic that day, black converse and her hair tied up in with the red scrunchy she just borrowed.

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