Two Lovers: Overtones

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Groggy Athina sat up the phone downstairs kept ringing. Thinking the intrusive sound was over she tried to get back to sleep but the clattering ring would start all over again. Stumbling downstairs to her store she looked at the clock 3am.

"What the fuck do you want?" She said sleepily into the receiver. The end was silent. "You've got to be kidding me."

She huffed almost hanging up the receiver until she heard a vague "Hey." On the other end. Her stomach lurched with the familiar deep sound, of Kid's voice.

"Hi." She responded. He could hear her smile of the other end.

"Listen I know it's late, but I wanted to see you."

"That's never stopped you before." She whispered playfully. For for the past week she would find herself in his company almost nightly. Walking up her stairs after closing she would hear a slight rustle in her apartment and he would always be there, like a phantom leaning against her bookcase reading one of her journals. She would smile and say, "You know there is such thing as breaking and entering." Not even looking up to meet her, he would reply. "Not so much breaking, as just entering." Then he would point to the open window like clockwork. They had spent hours on end talking, discussing, hands, fingers, lips lingering a little too long over each others body. He would stay until dawn and then with a kiss crawl back out her window. She hadn't slept in days for fear she would wake from this dream. As she closed her store yesterday evening, she walked up her stairs and didn't hear that familiar rustling, she had thought he was gone and the dream had ended.

"Well your windows closed..." He trailed off. "This was the only number I had for you. Can I come get you?"

"It's so late."

"I can't sleep." She heard a yearning in his voice, a need for her, she thought she had to be misinterpreting.

"Ok. I'll be downstairs." There was no response and a silent click on the other end hanging up. Turning to walk back up her stairs she heard a car pull up in front of her store. "How did he get here so quickly?" Again she would be in her pajamas and she knew he would not be following through with the promise of his. She grabbed his coat that had never left the rack at the front of the store and walked out. He opened the door from the inside and she slipped in. "Pajamas again?" He smiled not looking as she slid into the bench seat of the car.

"Excuse me. I've never been at the beck and call of someone else before. Next time I'll sleep fully dressed."

"Well that's no fun. I am intrigued to see what's underneath that coat."

"Maybe." She smiled wistfully.

"Well it is my coat."

"Touche" She tightened the coats belt around her small waist, and they drove in silence for a while she watching him, he watching the road. He as always was perfection. His dark hair tied in a ponytail exposing the slight muscles of his neck. His button down shirt unbuttoned just one extra button allowing the golden hue of his chest to peak though. His silence bothered her, she watched as he chewed the inside of his cheek. She could tell he was angry with her and wasn't quite sure what to say.

Finally turning to her his eyes lingered over the softness of her leg that peeked through the opening of his coat. Reaching out a hand it disappeared beneath the coat lining. His hand stopped at her upper thigh not daring to go any farther.

Breathing a sigh of relief she slid closer to him not saying a word as she placed her head on his shoulder. They stayed like this listening to the quiet static of the radio as it lost power as they drove farther out if town. She wondered where they were heading but the silent moment between them seemed like it should go on forever. Besides she didn't care where she was as long as he was the one beside her.

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