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The dusky gray sky washed over wooden floors of Athina's apartment as melodic pattering of rain on a metal roof gently made it's way through the frame. Her window had always seemed to be open, wispy lace curtains swaying in the breeze. A few sparse candles created low light across the scattered books and disheveled furniture, again they had laid carnal waste to the living space.

Resting on a small bare mattress, both had given up on the sheets as they kept unraveling with the constant tug of their bodies. Splayed in front of him, face buried in the middle of a pillow, her frantic breathing finally settled into a deep sleep. Lightly tracing over the blue and purple markings on her hips as she lay still, he marveled at the fluid swirls as they made paisley tracks across her golden skin. He always grasped her so tightly against him, wanting to get as close as possible, it never seemed he could get close enough. Fingertips digging into layers, desperately trying to explore as far as he could inside her. His trimmed nails leaving little red crescent shapes within the bruises. The branding he left behind not made in anger or accident but of lust and desire, seemed so powerful to him. Licking a finger he edged the wetness over the violet discoloration as if binding himself to her.

Adjusting his legs he refocused to a piece of paper that lay across her ass, a makeshift table as he wrote. Pen moving quickly over the surface, unable to keep up with her curve it slipped through creating a hole. Forcing the pen's tip into supple flesh. With the sudden jab she begun to stir restlessly.

Through dark ringlets she looked to him a grin growing behind a coiled curtain. "You know my back would probably be much sturdier."

"Not as much fun, though." He tried to restrain her as she wiggled underneath him tauntingly. "If you don't stop, I'll poke you again."

"I don't mind." Athina whispered into her pillow.


"Being poked." With her eyebrow raised she turned to look at him. Her full lips slightly swollen from hours of stimulation.

"F..u..c..k..." This word fell slow and guttural from his lips. The paper that once held his attention was thrown to the floor, as his hand began to make a slow crawl, skimming the inside of her thigh.

"Exactly." She mewed seductively, sliding onto her knees, anticipating the movement of his hand making its way up her leg.

The heat from the rawness between her legs made him begin to throb. Feeling the growing slickness as his fingers reached into her, he exhaled as if he had been waiting to breathe all along. It had been four maybe five days since they had left the apartment, both had lost count, or maybe they hadn't really cared to start counting anyway. Hoping their bodies could take the place of words, they tried tirelessly to apologize. Though neither had come to the point of acceptance. He was sorry he had tried to force her into something that she didn't want, and she sorry she didn't want what he had offered.

"I'm tired of being... Ahhh... cooped up in here, let's go onto the balcony...Ohhh..." She arched her back into him, his palm gently cupping against her, while his fingers delved deep. "No one will...Uhhhh... hear us, it's Sunday everyone's closed."

"Especially you." He grunted wrapping an taunt arm around her thigh for greater leverage, his fingers continuing to thrust as her body moved with his. The sound of gasps and quick inhaled breaths drove him crazy as they spoke. These inflections had become a normal part of their conversation over the past week, he loved it best when she could no longer form her words at all and the only sounds emitting from her lips were unbridled moans as she writhed against him.

"It's been days...Mmmmm... I am sure the few customers I had.... Ahhhh... are long gone now. You're trying to...Uhhhh... ruin me aren't you?" A gasp caught her throat as he removed his fingers. She watched him as he let a small smile slip before licking feverishly at the liquid that glistened in the candlelight. Tongue gliding effortlessly over his hand to collect every drop.

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