Annihilation II

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The next morning she woke with a start the clanging ring of her alarm was deafening. Who knew where the fuck it was. She smoothed her hands over the bed as if stirring the memory of the night before, the sheets still moist from water, sweat and other various fluids. If it hadn't been for the raw ache in her body she would have thought last night was nothing more than a lucid fantasy. Finally finding the alarm clock underneath her table she remembered how it got there. Her stomach fluttered as she could hear him making short guttural noises deep and hard in her ear. She had thrown out a hand to grip the side of the bed as he banged against her from behind but she instead knocked over her entire nightstand, it's contents scattering across the floor.

"A little dramatic don't you think?" He questioned biting his bottom lip as his arm snaked around to caress the satiny flesh of her neck.

Athina's small apartment was wrecked, a wasteland of strewn books and knickknacks. Water still pooled on the floor from where they had begun and stretched out like a river connecting little puddles around her bed. She desperately hoped it hadn't sunk into the ceiling of her store below. Stacks of books had been knocked over, furniture shifted or flipped over all together. The painting above her bed had fallen off its nail, the headboard hammering against the wall had pulled it loose.

She slipped on a dress threw a couple dry towels over the mess on the floor and went downstairs, wearily. She couldn't bare to look at the destruction of her house any longer. A literal fucking tornado had destroyed the once organized chaos. She wasn't too sure how much more her tiny apartment could endure. And he of course was nowhere to be found to help clean up the mess. Out the window he crept as quietly as he had come... well the first time at least. She huffed with a bright smile at her comment as she thought of him above her. He at least was nice enough to drain the remaining water from the bath, though the majority of it's contents currently soaked into her floorboards.

Opening the store she busied herself with inventory. Hearing the bell ring on the door she looked up to her customer half hoping Kid would be walking through her door. She had thought it was so cruel for him not to be there in the morning, but definitely wasn't surprised. She had grown so accustomed to falling asleep wrapped in his arms only to wake up to the embrace of emptiness.

A man in a blue jumper stood at her counter with a clipboard, and her heart sank. "Can I help you?" She asked sweetly, making her way through the stacks.

"Ma'am we had an order to come clean up. He said there was some kinda leak or something made a whole mess of the place." The cleaner eyed the bookstore looking for the issue, though everything seemed in place.

"What?" She questioned.

"Yeah we received an order this morning from a Mr. Nelson. He said to clean the whole place up."

"Can I see that?" Athina questioned taking the order form from the supervisor. There as plain as day was his signature KRN. The K had always seemed so elusive. Of course his real name couldn't be Kid, right.

"Oh no Mr. Nelson was not going to get off this easy." Handing the clipboard back to the supervisor, she smiled. "I'm sorry, he must be mistaken. I already have a cleaner in mind for the mess. I don't think I'll be needing you"

"You know he's already paid us for our time." He looked at her a little dismayed.

"Oh well let me take your card just in case this one doesn't work out."


Sitting on the balcony smoking a cigarette she looked into a her window. Her body exhausted she still couldn't make herself clean up. She had mopped up all the water from the bath as it began to sink between the wooden planks, but as she surveyed the rest of mess she had given up. How in the hell can one man be so destructive. Though last night she hadn't cared where or how they were as long as his lips were on her. This wanton abandon had definitely added fuel to the fire. She had wanted to wait like a silly school girl until she knew the intentions of her own emotions. Rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of uppity undertones, she suddenly thought of his thin fingers raking across her heated skin and she inhaled quickly at the memory... so much for reformation. Over the pasts few weeks too much energy had been pent up between them and it had seemed her apartment had been the casualty of the battle.

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