How Is It That I Am Now So Softly Awakened I

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The bell on the glass door rang as she was in the back of the store. "I'll be right with you." She called sweetly from the between the stacks. Shelving a book quickly she made her way to the front. Smoothing her hands over her hair she recognized his familiar figure instantly. He had never really made it back through her store doors since the first night they met. Wearing black trousers and a starched white button up shirt his hair slightly curled. He was the epitome of cool just standing there his back towards her, he oozed sex.

"Close your store for me?" He questioned tinged in a command.

"How many times have I in that last few weeks?"

"One more I promise it will be worth it."

"Promise?" She questioned as if the others weren't worth it.

He let a piece of glittering gold fabric drop from his arm.

"I promise."

Intrigued she grabbed for the fabric. He smiled turning around to face her.

"Look at you all fancied up." She had gotten so used to his laid back slouchy oversized black and white tunics that she had forgotten how good he looked when he really put it on. She had to hold her arms around her so she wouldn't make a fool out of herself.

He took off his sunglasses and with such defiance and asked, "So?" Waiting impatiently for her response.

He was stunning as he had always been but the glimmering shadow on his lids brought out the glinting amber in his eyes, his face in the dying sunlight almost ethereal. And here he was begging her of all people to go out, without another question, in a split second she made it to the door. Locking it and flipping around the closed sign. She then pressed him hungrily against the glass counter as he had once done to her. She couldn't get enough of him, the way he smelled, the warmth of the hollow of his neck as she tenderly felt his flesh under her lips. The golden hoop earring as it delicately hung from his earlobe mingling with his dark locks. His collared shirt unbuttoned exposing the honeyed tones of his skin and the slight fur that lined his chest.

He grabbed her ass and carried her to the stairs. "We don't want to be late." He smiled.

"But..." She slid her hand over the front of his pants. I guess fair was fair she had started out telling him not yet... wait and now here she was practically salivating at the sight of him, and it was his turn to spurn her advances. He pushed her up the stairs.

"You're beautiful." she purred. Looping her finger gingerly in the hoop hanging from his earlobe.

"Nope." He smiled not taking any of her advances.

"I need to feel you inside me?" She tried again.

Thinking deeply for a few second he shook his head and continued to push her.

She tried at least 3 more pick up lines none of them worked. Disappointed she frowned. "Well those always work for me." She pressed her body against the door as he came up the stairs behind her.

"That could have saved me a lot of time." He whispered deeply as he leaned into her frame.

Opening the door to her apartment they went inside. She took the sparkling material from his arm, and held it up to the light. It was definitely nothing she would ever pick out for herself to wear, let alone be able to afford, the material soft and slippery, glinting in the light as she held it.

"What do you think?" He slid his hands gently over her body.

"It's gorgeous." She laid the dress over her dressing screen and began to walked behind.

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