Bread and Music I

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"Amber." Kid whispered to himself in the darkness, finally being able to pull her name through the fog. He heard the door snap close with a large infuriated bang as she left, echoing over the hotel suite. After the sound subsided he was once again thankful for the silence that came with solitude, though his mind now knew exactly what that would bring.

He had watched her intently a few days before at some random club. The way the lights danced off her glistening golden skin as she swayed her body to the beat, dark curls bouncing seductively off her shoulders. He couldn't take his eyes off of her through the crowd. It seemed almost instantly they found themselves in the back of his limousine. He sitting in the backseat and her mouth diligently working between his thighs. Marveling in the familiarity of her dark curls as they laid upon the neon green fabric of his trousers, the slickness of her warm mouth as she tried with so much effort to take all of him in. Strange he had never remembered her having an issue before, but he was thankful for those lips... or at least the memory they were able to bring forth.

He was caught up in the fantasy he was creating. Closing his eyes he leaned his head back as his hand mingled through her hair. Letting out a soft moan he accidently caught sight of a pair of stark blue eyes, the color had thrown him off. Those weren't the ones he was expecting, the pair he was longing for were wide and hazel, whose color darkened lustfully in anticipation. Her pupils always dilating as her body shuddered in euphoria. But the sapphire he met now took him out of his imagined reality. Without a word he shook his head firmly and pushed hers down shielding her eyes from him, wishing only to bring back the dream.

A few days before he couldn't understand why the draw to her was almost too much for him to bear, she was a pretty girl like the rest. A mouth, a body to try to fill an ever growing void. With everything flooding back now he understood, she was a placeholder, a substitute for the memory of one he had fought so hard to forget. She was being conjured like a ghost to haunt him all over again... Athina. Those memories he tried to hide and yet here she was, as if she had never even left. At the time he wanted so desperately to consume everything about her, but in the end he was the one to find himself lost. Funny, how sometimes love decides for you.

Broad shoulders rounding in personal defeat he slowly crept from his bed to the closet, feet falling heavily over the carpet with each step. Bending down on his knees he shuffled through layers of clothes, fingers finally falling over the cool smooth surface he was searching for. No matter where he was this was something he always brought with him, refusing to open it or even acknowledge it's contents. The plain white rectangular container was nondescript, a box just like any other, but then again, Pandora had thought the same thing. Flattening his hand longingly over crisp edges, it had been years since it had been opened. Carefully taking off the top, a sudden slight scent of cinnamon caught the back of his throat as it lifted from the box. He couldn't believe she still lingered on the coat it contained. With the smell of her, bringing back the memory of the taste of her, his mouth began to water slightly. He shook his head in disbelief, disappointed in his own lack of control. Hating that after all this time she could still trigger the smallest reflexes from him, he wondered if he still did the same for her... or even... if he ever had to begin with.

His fingers trailed over the thickness of the coat. It was such a warm September that year there was no need for a long coat, the mystery he had tried to create was laughable. He had always seemed to wear it over to her apartment, but somehow it stayed with her, a never ending cycle... until the very end, when he took it back one last time never being given the chance to return it. As he moved his hand over the fabric his finger stuck on frayed edges. The shoulders of the coat had been pulled away from the sleeves gruffly, leaving small gaping holes in the once perfectly stitched garment. He had forgotten how the tears had happened, a meaningless tug? Had it worn with age... suddenly his mind brought Athina's voice to him. 'You're gonna make me...' She whined barely able to form her words. Her voice high and uneven as her breath would catch quickly, trying desperately to find some control, but she couldn't. 'Yes.' He replied roughly a with swift grunt following after. A wicked grin began to curl over his lips as the memory came flooding back to him, he now remembered exactly the cause of the damage.

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