Flashback 9

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"Everything is ready, Mademoiselle." Anna stared at her reflection in the vanity and nodded to the man in her doorway.

"I will down in a moment." He smiled sadly at her before turning and leaving her alone.

She rose from the plump stool and wandered around the room, her hand ghosting over the surfaces of the furniture that would soon be covered in white sheets. She moved through the house, her memories of each room on every floor, rushing to her as she left each room behind.

She stopped when she came to the twin portraits of Athos and Thomas hanging in the room just off the dining room. She felt her eyes brim with tears as her finger traced the outline of Thomas' profile gently and she carefully pressed a kiss to the image.

"Anna?" Athos' searching voice called out to her as he moved through the emptying chateau. "Are you ready?" He asked as he loitered in the doorway consciously ignoring the portrait of his brother.

"Are you?" She asked him, her voice a whisper as her hand fell away from Thomas.

"Yes." She smiled, turned and held her hand out for him to guide her through their home.

"Mademoiselle!" As Anna stepped out of the house and into the sunshine, she felt Jeanne throw her arms around her waist.

"Mademoiselle, I apologise for her behaviour." Anna chuckled as an older servant attempted to wrench the young girl free of her mistress. "She is-"

"I will miss you Mademoiselle!"

"And I you, Jeanne." She assured the girl she had grown to love. "Here...." She reached up to her neck and unclasped the locket she wore. "...Let this be a memento of your time here." She placed the silver chain around the girls' neck and showed her the engraved silver.

"Madame, I will treasure it!" Anna smiled down at the girl before pressing a kiss to the top of her head and moving toward her horse.

"You will let me know if anything happens..." Athos gestured to the chateau as he spoke to his most trusted man.

"Of course..." He nodded. "...bonne chance monsieur." He and Athos exchanged a handshake before he mounted his horse beside Anna.

The pair exchanged a smile before ushering their horses onwards, away from the past and towards a bustling future.

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