EXO Members Sleeping Habit

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EXO-K for Ivy Club

SUHO: My roommate is Sehun, I'm sensitive to cold while Sehunnie's sensitive to heat, at dawn, if I close the window because I'm cold and sleepy, Sehunnie will be hot and always kicks his blanket at the bottom of his bed to sleep.

BAEKHYUN: Aside from me I don't think that any of the members has sleeping habit. They told me that my sleeping habit was that before I fell asleep I made whining puppy noises.


CHANYEOL: Baekhyunnie, my roommate, always makes whining puppy sounds before falling asleep. He doesn't do it everyday but I think he makes a lot of noises when his body is tired. But it's not so loud that it keeps me from sleeping, I just listen to that sound like a lullaby and fall asleep as well.



CHEN: At night, I went to the kitchen to get some water, I heard "ah! ah!" screams from Luhan's room. I was really scared so I looked in his room but there was nothing. Later, I found out that screaming was Luhan's habit.



Kai: Suho hyung sometimes looks pitiful when he sleeps

Chanyeol: not sometimes, ALL the time

Chen: he sleeps in the shrimp position (aka fetal position)

Kai: if chen hyung and i come back into the dorm after cycling and see suho hyung sleeping, my heart hurts. it's not like i feel this way all the time but just when i see this hyung SLEEPING, my heart hurts

chen: he sleeps like a little baby all balled up

kai: he makes me want to cover him up with a blanket

(130830 The Star, trans@kyungbabe)


Kris: Lay liked to sleep on the living room floor.

Lay: I like to sleep on the living room floor because it has cooler temperature and I can have different types of dreams when the environment is changed.


BAEKHYUN: Chanyeol's breathing is really loud. Before he goes to bed, he always sniffles and it's so loud that I can't sleep.


Luhan: He(Kris) talks in his sleep. But the special thing is he uses 3 languages. Sometimes I can't understand it. He uses English, Chinese, Korean...

Lay: And Cantonese!


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