Chapter Four- Mall Discussions

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Ben parked his car , the plus side of your dad being a big movie star and your mom being the highest paid screen writer ever was a nice car.

True he didn't want anything to flashy but his dad insisted. So Ben had a nice car ... It was black and sleek because according to his mother's stylist that was what's in.

He was meeting Poe and Finn at the mall, mainly because the three of them were now best friends and Poe an Finn had the tradition of every Saturday afternoon going to the mall and checking out girls.

Ben locked his car door and saw Poe at his car, Finn texting on his phone.

"You ready?" Poe asked . Ben nodded and they walked in the mall.

There were tons of people since it was a Saturday. "So ... How you liking LA?" Finn asked him when they were on the escalators.

"Warmer than Michigan... But pretty nice" Ben then received a text.

Dad and I have to fly to New York today... We'll be back on Wednesday... Be safe ... Love you - Mom

He put his phone in his pocket and the three began to check out girls. "So ... Ever had a girlfriend ?" Finn raised an eyebrow.

"Four actually... Well ... One was when I was 7 but three throughout high school... There was Kylie from freshman year till she moved then Veronica from 10th to that summer when I caught her making out in the pool with some guy and then my last girlfriend Angelica ... We broke up after a huge fight" Ben told them.

"Well... We're at the mall so shop around for a girl" Poe took a sip of his coke.

"You guys know that for our project that I might be able to find some old scrapped ideas from Indiana Jones" Ben said .

"Well ... I think Ben should be Indie" Finn said.

"What ?! No !" Ben shouted "Poe should !"

"Ben ... You look the most like Indie ... Hell half of your DNA is Indie!" Poe shook his head .

"Fine ... I'll be Indiana Jones... But much like Indiana and my father I have a fear of snakes"

"see !" Finn smiled "match made in heaven! But we do need a snake ... "

"My dad's friend has one !" Poe said .

"Great ! But what are you two and Rey gonna do ? It's not just gonna be twenty minutes of me holding a snake right?" Ben asked .

"Well... We could have Finn be the bad guy ... I'll be Indie's best friend ... Rey could be the girl ..." Poe began .

"Rey the girl ?" Finn asked .

"Yeah !" Poe said "Indie always has a girl ! You know Marion Ravenwood, Willie Scott , Elsa ... So Rey could be the girl ... Like the girl he saves and crap"

"That means Ben would have to kiss Rey" Finn said . Ben cringed at that.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't even think that ... I'll pray for you" Poe said putting his hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Would she even agree to that?" Ben asked .

"Oh ... I'll make sure she does" Poe smirked .

"Not Judy" Finn said .

"Yes ... Judy" Poe smiled evilly

"I'm lost ... Judy?" Ben asked.

"Well... Rey has always been a tough kid... And well she hated anything that girls did but she loved Barbies... She had this one that was named Ruby and one day I found it... If anyone ever found out she would die of embarrassment... So that's how well get her to do it" Poe smiled .

They guys goofed around in the mall and checked out girl , hit on a few and then ate.

Later they were at Ben's house working on the script of their short film.

Sorry it was tad bit shorter but I need a nap... Okay bye !

 Okay bye !

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