Chapter Six- Sewing Sweethearts

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About a week later Rey knocked on the doors of Ben's house. She didn't wanna be here but it was the only Leia could help her and Rey did need help.

"Rey" Ben said opening the door . "Come with me , my mom's in her office"
Rey walked with his throughout the nice house , "she's in here"

Rey nodded and saw Leia with a dress form and sewing machines and a box of trimmings.

"Hi Ms. Solo" Rey said .

"Hi sweetheart ... Let's get to it shall we?" She asked . Rey nodded and put her bag down. Leia grabbed a measuring tape . "BEN GET DOWN HERE !"

Ben ran in soon "what's up?" He asked.

"I need you to take measurements, write them down in the notepad as I take her inches" Leia said .

Ben nodded and grabbed a pencil . First Leia began to measure Rey's legs and arms . Then her neck and wrists. Last was her hips and busts , which in all honest she didn't really want Ben to know how many inches her chest was.

"Okay ... Go do something manly" Leia shooed him off.

Soon Leia grabbed the white fabric , she and Rey sat down and began to cut and sew the fabrics .

"Ms. Solo ?" Rey asked .

"Yes sweetheart ?"

"who taught you to sew?" Rey asked her softly as she was cutting some fabric.

"My mother ... I was gonna go to design school but instead I wrote some screen plays meant for the stage ... But George Lucas found a short film  and told me that he loved it... He asked me to write his first Indiana Jones... How about you?"

"My mom too" Rey said .

"That's the best thing about moms.. They teach you the important stuff ... Sewing , cooking , how to get over the silly things"

"Yeah" Rey said softly.

"What's your mother's name ?" Leia asked.

"Eliza... Well Elizabeth but she went by Eliza" Rey said .

"Went?" Leia asked her eyebrow up.

"My mom passed away when I was younger... " Rey replied .

"Oh I'm so sorry" Leia said "I had no idea -"

"Oh it's okay ... I was little I barley remember her ... But she did teach me to sew because dad was taking care of my brother's scouts "

"Han and I always wanted to have s little girl as well as Ben ... But Indiana jones kicked off , Han was always offered movies , the board wanted me to write books ... We never had time for Ben"

"Yeah ... My mom wanted more kids but she couldn't ... She passed away of ovarian cancer when I was about 7"

"oh dear ... Are you and your brother close?" Leia asked .

"No " Rey shook her head "we butt heads ... It kinda started when I was a freshman and he was one too ... I started dating and he was being a classic big brother ..."

"My brother was like that with me ... Especially when I started staring Han , since he was an actor"

"Poe is that way because my mom used to make her make sure I was staying out of trouble ... He's 10 months older"

"My brother is 10 minutes older" Leia smiled .

Rey let out a small giggle and went to sewing. She and Leia were talking about anything and everything , kinda how a mom and daughter would.

"So , how did you get paired with Ben?" Leia asked .

"The teacher made the groups ... I'm not sure how ..." Rey told her.

"Well ... You'll be Marion are you okay with kissing Ben ?" Leia asked her.

"I mean I'm not jumping for joy but I'll mange ... My brother is okay with it" Rey said .

"That's good ... When do you guys start filming ?"

"We're gonna start next week over winter break ... Hopefully it will be done by the end" Rey said as she sewed on some beads .

"Now , let's stitch this together and get it on you!" Leia said happily . About 30 minutes later Rey was trying the dress on.

"Now that is a perfect dress " Leia said as Rey twirled . Rey really liked how the white looked with all the colored beads and all.

"Thank you so much !" Rey said and hugged her . Leia hugged Rey back and smiled.

"I was happy to help sweetheart"

Sorry it was shorter but fight me.

-Sorry it was shorter but fight me

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