Chapter Seven- Cast and Crew

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Ben was writing down the notes that the teacher had on the board. Last day of school until Winter break . He was so happy to be it out of school for three weeks .

"Your script isn't gonna work Solo" he turned and saw Rey with the script in her hands.

"What do you mean ? My mom read it and said it pure gold ! My uncle George even told me he wanted -"

"You wrote in extras and we don't have any extras." She said handing him the script.

"Shoot... Well what are we gonna do ?" He sighed running his hands through his mop of black hair.

"I think we should have auditions... Just get a couple maybe 12 or so people to help with filming and extras ..." Rey said .

"That could work ... We start filming on Monday ... So we could do the auditions Saturday and Sunday" Ben suggested .

"Sounds good Solo" Rey then went to her phone .


They had Assembled a group of extras and crew , mainly because people feared Rey and wanted to hang out with the kid who was dad was Indiana Jones.

Rey and Ben were working on finding locations as Poe and Finn were getting camera equipment 2!: stuff.

"Well ... There's that work down the street we could film all the action and running on ... It's big and has large rocks and we could set up there... Oh and there's that lake there too with the large rope to jump ... We could do like a Tarzan thing while we run from Finn" Ben said .

"I guess so ... That could work with the whole jump and all" Rey said as she sewed on some of the Darold that was on Finn's coat.

"And then we could have the chase scene around the track and for when we're being chased .... We need s keep though...." Ben went on.

"Doesn't your dad have one ?" Rey asked.

"You're right! So we start filming on Monday ... So be at my house at 10:30 so we could start filming then and all" Ben said. Rey nodded and leaned over him to grab the scissors.

"Your mom said that you had some leather and I was gonna make the whip ... She said its up in her office" Rey said .

"Yeah let me get it" Ben said and ran up the stairs to get the leather.

He came back and saw Rey googling pictures of the whip . "Here ya go" he handed her the leather.

"Thanks" Rey then began to cut the leather. "How long is the whip?"

"I don't know ... Maybe 5 or 6 feet " Ben said.

Rey nodded and began to braid the leather for his whip. "Hold this part" she instructed him.

"Okay" Ben said and he held the rope down.

"We're gonna have to do something for your hair... Like Indiana doesn't have that's all wavy and all... Besides this is the 1936... Men didn't have hair like that -"

"Artistic license Rey" Ben said .

"Fine ... I'll just make it look a little shorter ... Do you have a brush and rubber bands ?" She asked .

"I think my mom does" Ben said .

"Go ahead and get them and come back down" she said .

Ben went to his mom's bathroom then came back and handed her the supplies. Rey grabbed her water bottle and put it in a bowl.

"We start filming tomorrow so you'll have to sleep with your hair like this... So tomorrow when Phasma does your hair she'll take this down and it will look shorter" she said and then put her hands in the water and smoothed down his hair. Rey began to braid his long black hair.

"Don't give me pigtails" he warned.

"I'm not! Just put a beanie on before you go to sleep and all then Phasma will fix it for you"

"Okay... Well... We're filming scenes 1 through 6 tomorrow so we'll be getting to your kidnapping " Ben said .

"I can't wait to be kidnapped !" She said sarcastically.

"Well I can't wait to save you and you'll swoon over me!" Ben smirked. Rey then tugged on his hair "OW! OW ! OW ! OW!!!"

"Sorry " she smiled .

"Hey ! What's going on you guy's okay ?" Han asked coming from down the steps .

"Rey is killing me !" Ben whined.

"I'm just braiding his hair for filming and my hand slipped" Rey lied.

"okay " Han said snd began to walk up the stairs "they're fine Leia ! No they're not having sex on your new couch ! Leia I'm not lying ! Why would I lie about Ben having sex on your couch ? Leia that's where I watch Keeping up with the Kardashians!" Han yelled as he reached the top of the stairs.

"Your dad watches Keeping up with the Kardashians ?" Rey asked as she tied his braid.

"Sadly... Kim is his favorite but he feels that Khloe is his spirit animal ... And he think that Kylie could do much better than tyga" Ben said.

"Well ... Your dad's not wrong" Rey then finished his braids "well... I better get going ... I should go get some beauty sleep-"

"Rey 12 hours isn't enough "

"Bite me Ben" Rey said and then walked out laughing .

Sorry it's shorter !!! BYE !

-Sorry it's shorter !!! BYE !-Joey

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