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Word of the day: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.  Whoever came up with this definition is possibly my new best friend.  It means, the fear of long words.  How would someone who had this phobia use this definition when asked if they had a phobia?

People with phobias spook me.  Every time I overhear or someone directly tells me what they're afraid of, I automatically become afraid of it, too.  I have this dependency on others to inform me of my surroundings since I rarely go out and am uncomfortable around people, especially women.  That phobia is called gynophobia. 

I don't know why I'm afraid of them...one gave birth to me and therefore I should be automatically grateful.  But, I'm still a bit bitter when I found out that my boyhood home was actually an orphanage and I really had been promptly put up for adoption just a day after the hospital.  When I turned ten, someone finally took pity on me and adopted me.

However, she and her husband were very cruel and I shan't go into detail because it might make you feel sorry for me.  She was a scary woman and warned me that all women were after one thing: money and security.  I suppose she was right, but she made it sound like it was a sin to even commit to a woman.  Since then, women have terrified me.

My boss doesn't like it when you blink three times in front of him.  Though, I'm not sure if that qualifies as a phobia...more like a strange tick.  He is afraid of bubble wrap, and for some reason, I find it rather comical.  One time (and the last time) I had wrapped bubble wrap in a cushion's sham and placed it on his work chair.  He never found out who did it and I heard later he developed a phobia to neutral patterned cushions.

What's your phobia?

What's your phobia?

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