jimney cricket

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Word of the day: Jimney CricketA fairy tale animated cricket named, Jimney, helps you know if you're making a smart choice or a stupid choice or if you're doing the right thing or the wrong thing...both mean the same thing, actually.

I'm not a vindictive person.  I hate hurting other people's feelings because I'd hate to be hurt. I'm also afraid my mean words spat out in an unusual, out of character moment would be the one words that would drove the listener to his or her demise.

I always have clever things to say to people -- spiteful, hatful comments -- but so only say them in my head.  Im always the first to help out and the last to give up, but lately, I'm having trouble doing that.

You see, I always do as I am told. Follow the rules, never question others, hate conflict, accept being a doormat, always do what's right and avoid any decisions where I could result in making an enemy.  That's why it's smart to not get to know a lot of people.

I think that's why I accepted the party invitation.  I didn't want to hurt his feelings and I knew I would want someone to attend to my party. No matter how lousy it may be.

I've also realised my love life doesn't exist. After always being the gentleman, the nice guy, the saint, no woman wants to be with me, which is absolutely fine because I'm terrified of them.  I also know I would be a hopelessly devoted romantic if I was to ever fall in love, and I'm aware I would be the one to always give second chances and to always be the last to walk away.  Thank Heavens I'm not attached to anyone because of those very attributes.

It's funny. I'd hear people in the office boast about their wild lives and who they slept with and what they did to get promotions or raises, and I would sit there, wishing I could be just as bad.  But I knew I couldn't do that. I knew that my consistency to do the right thing was also the barrier to me experiencing anything fun or dangerous.

Maybe it was a gift. Or a fault. Or I was a prude and frightened of everything.  But honestly, how would sleeping with five women make me feel any better?  How would cheating or falsely accusing a co-worker make me feel worthy of a dollar raise or title?  I wouldn't want to be sabotaged or cheated on. But, that's why I'm single and a ghost to everyone.

Doing the right thing is good, but it also shelters you horribly from everyone.  And for me, that in itself seems quite wrong. 


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