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Hannah's POV

Mamrie was in the bathroom putting some clothes on, I walked over to start making the bed but all I could think about was that silly lie I just told Mamrie. Mamrie asked me a straight up question 'why am I naked?' Why didn't I tell her the truth? instead I made up some weird ass shit about my ex girlfriends nipples. Hannah, dude, you need to get better at lying if your going to keep doing this. I can't tell her the truth she wouldn't speak to me ever again. But I'm my defence, she kissed me! I just maybe kissed her back and got far to carried away and took all her clothes off. Why did I do it? She was far too drunk I knew she wouldn't remember it, and all I want is Mamrie to know that i really like her, to the point I would say I think I'm in love with her. Shit I can hear her coming out the bathroom act normal Hannah.
'Yo sister' I said. What the fuck? Why did I say that, I said act normal not like a fucking 14 year old girl.
'Ermm ookay' Mamrie replies. She just knows that something is wrong and I'm acting weird she going to ask me why. I can feel it.
'Hannah, why are you being weird?' There we are I knew it! Now I have to answer like a normal person nothing is wrong that all I need to say nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong.
'We kissed' that's all I said before turning bright red and thinking about the fucking amazing kissing, god it was good I want to live attached to Mamrie's mouth.
'What are you on about Hannah?, are you okay?'
'We kissed' I repeated.
'Last night'
'What? Why did you kiss me?' She sounded confused
'I didn't' I argued
'Wait, I kissed you?' If she wasn't confused then, she is now.
'Did you kiss me back?'
'A little' I said clearly holding back vital information she needed.
'A little? How can you kiss someone back a little? Hannah I want to know what happened, I won't be mad!' Raising her voice slightly. I started to feel so much pressure to just tell her.
'We kissed okay, like crazy kissed, we made out so passionately I thought I was going to die, okay' I replied getting a bit too argumentative,
Marmrie stood there just staring at me. I could feel emotions building up inside of me all I wanted to do was walk up to her hold her and tell her I love her and give her a kiss, but I can't because she is my best friend and she not even gay.
We had been stood not saying anything for a while now and I was about to break the silence but then Mamrie's phone rang. She looked over at it and picked it up then looked up at me.
'It's grace, I have to take this, we can speak about this later' she said, and then she exited my house. I heard her get into her car and start up the engine but she didn't drive off for about 10 minutes.

I paced my house for about 45mins thinking about how badly I fucked up, all I wanted to do was ring her and say joke, but I knew that wouldn't work this time, she saw the look in my eye, she knows I like her. I sat down on my couch with a black tea and opened my laptop and went straight into tumblr I knew this would distract me.

Peace and love y'all. ✌🏻️

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