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Graces POV

I was sat at our usually table in crossroads it was 7:02pm, I text Hannah and Mamrie to meet me here although they don't know that the other is coming and this is my plan to get them to stop acting weird around each other and this can remind them of where we started out, just the 3 of us. I saw a short blonde girl walking through the the door, this must be Hannah I thought. That signature hairstyle.
'Hi,' Hannah says bubbly as ever.
'Why you so happy,' i reply. Hannah is always happy but not this happy, and plus especially the whole Mamrie thing she has been feeling down for weeks.
'Ahah, that's for me to know Gracie' Hannah is being so weird, I bet she hooked up last night.
'Okay Hannah, whatever you say' I say in a condescending manner. 'I do have a little secret for you though.... Ermm Mamrie is coming tonight.' Expecting her to just get up and leave and never talk to me again.
'Ahh cool, sounds good, when she getting here?' She answers with ease and enthusiasm.
'Err, okay. So did you make up then?' I ask extremely confused.
'Yeah, you could say that' I was going to ask her what she meant by that but I got interrupted by the great Mamrie hart.
'Hi losers' Mamrie says sitting herself down next to Hannah, maybe smiling at Hannah for too long. Things feel so weird I thought to myself.
'Hey Mames' Hannah answered looking back at her with a smile.
'So shall we order then?' Just trying to avoid the situation now, I don't want to know anymore, on minute they hate each other the next their smiling weirdly at each other, I don't know what I prefer, I just want my friends back.
The whole way through dinner Mamrie and Hannah were having inside jokes and secret laughs and nudging each other under the table. I felt so left out, usually I'm the on that involved with the jokes. Have I been replaced with Hannah? I need to think this through alone for a second.
'I'm gunna go to the bathroom' I say convincingly with ease, but they just say 'okay' and didn't even look at me. I walked off into the toilet.

Hannah's POV

I think this dinner is going well grace hasn't noticed anything although Mamrie is letting the side down a bit, she keeps directing everything to me and leaving grace out a bit, grace has just gone to the toilet, here is my chance to tell Mamrie to cool it off a bit.
Oh but there is a hand on my leg, caressing my inner thigh, she leans in to kiss me and I have no other choice but to push her away.
'Mamrie, not here. Not when grace is in the toilet.' I say in a hushed whisper.
'Why not? Come on it'll be a bit of fun' Mamrie says trying to turn me on and is succeeding.
'No Mamrie, I push her hand of my leg and move over a little bit.
'What, Hannah? Are you ashamed of me?' She is almost shouting at this point, I have to do something to shut her up before everyone is looking at us,... So I kiss her and it feels so good, her hand takes its place back in my inner thigh caressing gently, we maybe kiss for longer than anticipated.
'Ermm,, hello??' Grace says shocked and slightly confused. 'I thought you too hated each other? And this whole time you've been fucking?' Grace getting a little angry.
'Grace it's not what you think it...' I say but unable to finish the sentence because it is exactly what she thinks.
'Grace, we're in love. I love her.' This makes me smile to hear her say I out loud and in public I front of our best friend.
'Are you guys for real?'
'Grace we want you to support this'
'Grace you know I love her.'
'I know you do Mames'
'Then what's the problem here?' Slightly confused myself now, on what is going on.
'I'm guess I'm happy for you, but no sexual acts in my presence, that includes kissing.'
Me and Mamrie laugh both blushing and slightly embarrassed. I can feel her reaching for my fingers in the table and she locks her hand in with mine and it is the best feeling having your girlfriend sat next to you holding your hand and you best friend opposite you. Man I'm blessed.

Thank you for giving me 100 reads that is crazy to even think about.
Peace and love y'all ✌🏻️

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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