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You drive up to my door
I am giddy, and excited and oh so happy
Because out of this entire month
I've only seen you once
I want to kiss you and hug you and tell you I love you because I do
You open the door for me

I get in the car
You walk to your side and get in

You buckle your seat belt
I do not
We are together
And when we are together nothing goes wrong
We are together
And when we are hand and hand nothing but joy is around
I do not need a seat belt in this relationship
I do not need a seat bket when I'm with you

You drive, I do not know where we are going because you are in control

We stop at a gas station and fill up the tank
You give me some cash to get a treat and my mind goes blank
I get those mint tic tacs that I know you love
Even though I hate the way they taste because I want you to be happy

You drive, you still have not told me where we are going

A car comes up beside us and revs it's engine
Inside is a woman, who is more beautiful than me
You race with her
I do not like this
I tell you to stop
You look at me and put the car into park
You tell me that you are the driver and what you say goes

I stay quiet for the rest of the drive
We are going faster around the turn pike
I say slow down
You speed up
I say be careful and you start swerving around like a maniac


We hit a wall

You hit the air bag, you do not move because you were buckled in

I fly out of the front window
I hit the wall
I break every bone in my body
I break my heart

I did not think I needed a seat belt for my relationship with you
But you were reckless and you went too fast
Racing other people behind my back
And crash...

I flew out the window
You landed in the safety of the airbag
You do not seem to care what we've just hit
I should have worn my seat belt in this relationship

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