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I tape my mouth to stay quiet
No one will even know I'm here
They won't suspect a thing
They can't see me in this broken mirror
These shutters will hide my skin
Lock the door and shut the closet
No one is getting in

I make myself at home
In the dust and heavy air,
Learn how to bleed without saying word
Bandage myself and not grimace
Or let the blood clots fall to the floor
I put on a jacket and zip up
These sleeves will hide my skin
Sigh as I feel the scabs open
No one is getting in

I take the blows like a hero
No one will see me leave again
Another vicious word telling me to go to my end
Well, hell, I'll make them suffer
Like I'm gonna show them who
Who has the tougher skin
No one is getting in

I sleep on the ground by myself
No one can see the cracks in me
Or the poison seeping into my head
No one can see my disease
I pull at the chains that bind me to be hopeless
They hit the floor with a clank
My skin is broken open
But no one will ever see...

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