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I tell myself top surgery is too expensive
Too dangerous to go through with
I tell myself that having the freedom of looking in the mirror and not gagging
Is outweighed by the sickening looks I'll get from others
When I take my shirt off and they see the scars on my chest...

I tell myself the back aches from binding aren't that bad anyway
I tell myself it's okay thay I can't breathe properly
I tell myself it's okay that I don't even have enough oxygen to call for help
I tell myself I can always just wrap the ace bandages tighter
I tell myself I can always just grab a roll of duct tape and suffer through the pain
I tell myself a few broken ribs and a possible punctured lung is worth the way my flat chest makes me feel...

I tell myself it's worth it...
I tell myself lies...

A/N- If you've read this far you know what this poem's about. If you don't like it, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, just don't hate. Unnecessary hate is useless for everyone partaking in it.

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