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I am not you, and you are not me

We will not get along
We are not friends
We will not coexist

I will not tolerate you, and you will not tolerate me

We are not the same
We do not live our lives together
We will not be doing this forever

I do not believe in you, you do not believe in me

We were made to break each other down
We were made to kill one another
We were made together but only one of us can survive

I used to be you, and you used to be me

We used to have the same dream
We used to have the same goal
We used to be floating in the same exact boat

But I am me, and you are you

And I have let you go
And I am now my own
And I do not carry the same beliefs as you
And I may have once been you, but no longer
Because I am me, and you are you

~A spoken word poem to me before my transition into being a male

A/N- I've been on a kick with these types of poems lately so I hope y'all don't mind much, just trying to get stuff off my chest. Once again you're all entitled to your own opinions whatever they may be, but that doesn't mean you should hate on people for their beliefs. Unnecessary hate is unnecessary for a reason. It serves no purpose and doesn't help anyone or anything.

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