Prologue :

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Savannah was born in Ireland on February 24. She was the light in people eyes, but she was much darker than that. Her father was an incubus a demon that feeds of sexual frustrations or sexual activities to live. Her mother was a siren deep into the sea that sing songs to lure mans into the seas. When her mother met her father, it was love at first sight. 

Her parents married having children. She had five kids in total naming them:Mikeal,Niklaus,Savannah,Dron and Penelope. All of the children had their parents' powers. They had all the guys and girls' attention in their village. As the years went by, she was the most beautiful precious woman men wanted that was until a riot broke out in their village. 

Everyone found out what they were, her parents and her two oldest brothers hid savannah and her two littlest siblings while they got captured by their people. Savannah saw her family get burn as she and her two siblings left for safety without getting caught. She met Godric, who they stayed with over the years. She was going with Godric who love her deeply knowing what she was for four years until they found Eric Northman a young Viking who family was slaughtered. Godric saw potential in the young Viking turning him into a vampire progeny.

 Soon after they went everywhere with Godric and Eric although their blood was very intoxicating. Vampires was attracted to them everywhere they go.  She was on break with Godric, she needed to feed so she got her a young-looking man and sleep with him. Eric walks in on her in action, and he saw her. He was shocking her body turn blue like mysquite from x men. 

Her eyes light up blue and her tail came out and She had fangs. She speeds up more until she came as she drinks his frustration. She fed him her blood healing him. She got off finally turning around to see eric with a lusty and shock face, she put on her silky robe on.

"Did you enjoy the show ", She purred her Ireland accent coming out.

Eric gulps as she strolls over to him and touch his cheek.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you was busy", Eric said.

"I can feel your arousal Mr. Northman " she said as she changes back to her human self.

She grabs his hand walking out, eric looked back at the guy who was sleeping soundly.

"He's not dead if you are asking, I had a lot of practice", she said softly.

Eric kept quiet as she pulled him out, as the years went by, she and Godric had broken up because he said that her real love is close to her more than she know. She finally told Eric what she was which resorted to him sometimes sweet talking her to sleep with him. She did sometimes after playing hard to get. After a few years she met Pamela who was Eric's new progeny, after they went separate ways in the 1800s, she was a maiden that would get wounded soldiers of the battlefield that when she met William Compton a vampire who was hit healing him just with her blood. Bill became attached to her blood, and she learned about what can kill a vampire. When they started courting, he learned what she was from when they first made love.

 They stayed with each other for 100 years then she moves to Chicago for the 1900s listening to jazz and dancing, meeting men. What she didn't know was eric was watching everything. She stayed there for 67 years. When she moves to Bon Temps, New Orleans, she made friends with Adele Stackhouse and her husband Earl. She told them what she was, but they didn't care. 

They had their daughter; they made her the baby godmother. Adele told her about the faeries, she understood it. She got a house two miles away from the stack house housing. When the daughter grew up, she had two children named Sookie and Jason. When Jason became old enough, he had a crush on Savannah. She would let Jason come over to get in her pool. 

Sookie would sometimes come with which Jason was happy about. Savannah was sitting in her lawn chair sun tanning when Jason came he stared with lusty eyes and took a deep breath walking over to her and started putting kisses on her . Adele knew what type of feelings Jason had for her friend and her friend was slightly pale so she told her be careful with him knowing he just wanted closure of his feelings for her. Savannah got up grabbing Jason hand taking him in the house up to her room. She slept with him with he enjoyed a lot he lost his virginity to his crush. 

He saw what she looked like she was even more beautiful to him. she had healed him, and he feels asleep she told him this was a one-time thing which he pouted but nodded.

And it is 6 years later and everyone is grown up she just waking from her
coma night sleep for the past fifteen years. Old past lovers come to hunt her and falling for the womanizer Viking vampire.

The Goddess Of Lust (True Blood Fanfiction/Eric Northman)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang