Ch.4:Meeting a old lover

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Third person Pov:

Bill went back into the church to get Sookie, he found her talking to Savannah. He was really starting to like that dress on Savannah. He wanted to take it off of her and have sex with her for hours. He walks to Sookie's side and wrap his arm around her waist.

"Sookie, can I talk to you ", Bill whispered in her ear as he looks at Savannah with tension that you could feel in the room.

"Sure, Bill excuse us Aunty", Sookie said to Savannah who nodded and smiled. They walk to the side away from everyone else. Savannah looks at them and use her super hearing to listen to their conversation.

"Eric called he need us now", Bill said quietly. Sookie looked at him her face plastered with anger.

"Why Bill what does he want", Sookie said with anger. Bill looked at her with so much despair she could choked.

"I don't know", Bill said. He had a straight face, but his eyes are lace with anger. Savannah heard Eric's name and gasp. She was in deep thought.

(Inner Thoughts: Savannah)

My Eric he's here in Louisiana.

We have a lot to catch up on


Savannah walks to them, which caught both of their attention. they stop talking and straightened their backs as they waited for her to get to them.

"So, I was overhearing your conversation, Who's Eric", Savannah said with fake curiosity. She stood in front of them. Now that she was closer up, bill could see her breathing making her breast go up and down. She looks at them, waiting for her answer.

"More like eavesdropping", Bill said with attitude. Savannah's face turns dangerous looking as she tightly grab his chin, pulling him towards her. Even though he was a vampire, she was much stronger than him.

"I'm very much stronger than you boy show me some respect", Savannah said with so much authority, she sent a shiver down both Sookie and Bill's back. They had caught some people attention.

" I will not repeat myself, Who's Eric", Savannah said gripping Bill's chin tighter. Sookie steps up to talk.

" Eric is a vampire that own this place called Fangtasia", Sookie said in a hurry. She watches as Savannah loosen her grip on bill's chin. She could hear everyone thoughts:

What the fuck going on

I wish she could do that to me.

Show that vampire who's boss.

oh, shit is they about to fight.

oh, dear Savannah always get like this.

She took my virginity with her blue vagina please don't fall for a vampire.


"I'm coming with you to go see this Eric", Savannah said letting go of Bill's chin.

Inner Thoughts: Savannah

For who's sake your own or Sookie's

Girl, you just want him to blow your back out.

He was amazing sex though.

That Thing he does with his mouth though.

That threesome with his maker was amazing.


Savannah and Sookie followed Bill out the door. They went to their cars and drove off. She cut up the music that was playing in her car. (Up top) She followed Bill's car to Shreveport,Louisana to the vampire bar Fangtasia. She got out her car and followed Sookie and Bill to Fangtasia's door. They walk in to see Eric, his progeny Pam and Long Shadow. They were also with a fat human man. She caught their attention, but it was Eric to recognize her and stood up.

"Well, well if it isn't a past lover" Eric said with smirk plastered on his face.

Savannah rolled her eyes, which caught everyone's attention. Sookie was shocked and yelled "Aunty you know Eric". Before she could talk Eric answered for her-

"Of course, she know me, we had lots of hot sex", Eric said smiling.

" That's in the past now Hello Eric", Savannah said with an annoyed look on her face.



Sorry Finally Updated I graduated this year and I have been lazy, but I put this chapter for you guys. what do you think about it? .... love criticism just don't be rude.

(655 words)

stay pretty lovelies!


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